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The jobs were located in the book of abstracts available in the program. We sought to identify the focus of the work is related to the use of educational technologies by analyzing the titles and abstracts, consulting where necessary the full text. Then we analyze the 33 w...
Jobs that are culturally associated in the social imaginary as malespecific activities are being increasingly pursued by women; for instance, there is an increase in female participation as labors in the building trade. Accordingly, this study aims to investigate which aspect...
In short, findings provide valuable measures on how banking institution management can improve the organization's performance, that is, they effectively train its members, providing them with high job satisfaction and greater loyalty to their jobs. Furthermore, this research ...
Results. Assessment of the mothers revealed that 13.5% were adolescents, 73.1% had completed elementary or high school education, 45.9% had technical level jobs, 6,7% had jobs requiring a university degree, and 2.7% were health professionals. On average, parti...
The data were obtained from a participatory ethnography, in which the author carried out fieldwork for 6 months. From this context, it is expected to deepen the debate on the precariousness of work, adding elements such as the choice of these delivery men in carrying out these ...
It was observed that the increase in exports may provide an increase in the gross value of national production of R$ 158.3 million (directly and indirectly), in addition to generating 1.2 thousand new jobs, R$ 24.6 million in labor income, and R$ 6.5 million ...
Micro and Small Enterprises (MSE) are contributing to the generation of jobs in addition to promoting the reduction of social inequality of Brazil. The correct pricing for MSEs are the determining factor for the decision to purchase their products by consumers. Ho...
Micro enterprises account for 98% of non-farm shops, corresponding to 50% of all formal jobs in the country. The issue of this paper covers the following question: what are the challenges faced by micro-entrepreneurs of industry segments, trade an...
This article analyses what has been happening about the jobs in Brazil from the structural decomposition of the Input-Output Matrix. What we find is that, except for agriculture, sectors were job generators from 2000 to 2015. In addition, demand gains were able to compen...