contentious 音标[kәn'tenʃәs] contentious是什么意思、contentious怎么读 contentious汉语翻译 a. 好争吵的, 爱争论的, 有异议的 【法】 诉讼的, 争执的, 引起争论的 contentious词型变化 名词:contentiousness 副词:contentiously contentious英语解释 ...
Thecontentiousvote has raised tensions in the South American country. 但这次选举在南美国家引发紧张. 期刊摘选 As do, I'm that the Iraq war has been acontentiousissue at home. 当我们翻开新的一页之时, 我没有忘记伊拉克战争在国内始终是一个争论激烈的问题. ...
9.Well, it's turning into acontentiouscustody battle, unfortunately. 不幸的是 这已经变成了争监护权大战了 10.I just wanted to know howcontentiouswe're willing to let this get. 我就想知道我们在这件事上 要有多强的争论意识 以上参考资料就是本英汉词典详细汇总的单词contentious的翻译英语含义,如有...
The other contentious figure was $1 million, which she said she had "hoped" to raise, but had never claimed to have "already" raised. 另一个引起争论的数字是100万美元,对此她表示那是曾“希望”筹到的款额,但自己从未说过已经筹到了这个数目。 7. In fact, these targets, especia...
contentious中文翻译 adj. 引起争论的,有争论的;爱争论的;爱议论的;矫情 contentious是什么意思 网络 好争吵的; 有争议的; 引起争议的 使用频率: 星级词汇: CET6+GRE 词组短语 1.contentious jurisdiction 诉讼管辖;诉讼管辖权 2.contentious procedure [法]诉讼程序 3.contentious review 争鸣性综述 4....
1、contentious case [法] 诉讼案件, 抗议事件 2、contentious possession [法] 有争议的占有 3、contentious probate business [法] 诉讼双方争执不决的遗嘱确认事件 4、contentious procedure [法] 诉讼程序 5、contentious proceedings [法] 引起争执的诉讼程序 6、non-contentious [法] 非诉讼的, 非争论性的 ...
adj. 好争吵的, 争论的, 有异议的 英文解释 形容词: 1. inclined or showing an inclination to dispute or disagree, even to engage in law suits;例子"a style described as abrasive and contentious";相似"a disputatious lawyer";"a litigious and acrimonious spirit"+...
contentious contentious英[kən'tenʃəs] 美[kən'tɛnʃəs] CET6GRE低频词扩展词汇解释 adj. 诉讼的;有异议的,引起争论的;爱争论的 ※ 提供单词"contentious"的中文意思、发音示范及音标对照,中英文词源、例句和用法等。 英文词源 contentious (adj.) c. 1500, from Middle French ...
contentious 级别 第11级 音标 [ kənˈtenʃəs ] 解释 adj.好辩的,善争吵的 英英释义 causing or likely to cause disagreement 发音 例句 1. She was really not of the contentious fighting sort. 她委实不是好吵好闹的人。 2. Since then they have tended to steer clear of contentious ...