可以使用Contentful的JavaScript SDK或API请求来实现。 在Next.js中创建一个动态路由,用于根据标签生成页面。例如,可以创建一个pages/tags/[tag].js文件,其中[tag]表示动态的标签名称。 在动态页面中,使用Contentful的API请求获取带有特定标签的内容条目,并将其展示在页面上。可以使用getStaticProps或getServerSideProp...
可以使用Contentful的JavaScript SDK或API请求来实现。 在Next.js中创建一个动态路由,用于根据标签生成页面。例如,可以创建一个pages/tags/[tag].js文件,其中[tag]表示动态的标签名称。 在动态页面中,使用Contentful的API请求获取带有特定标签的内容条目,并将其展示在页面上。可以使用getStaticProps或getServerSideProps方...
我正在使用Next.js和Contentful构建一个网站。现在,我想在Contentful富文本中呈现类似View的html内容。我甚至不确定这是否可能。 你能给我解决这个问题的办法吗?提前谢谢。发布于 9 月前 ✅ 最佳回答: 我使用@contentful/rich-text-react-renderer包做了类似的解决方案。我试图在我的网站上呈现像以下HTML这样的内容...
Next.js with Contentful gives you the power to quickly build scalable dynamic static websites with improved search engine optimization (SEO) and enhanced performance.
2. 创建react项目,这里我创建的是Nextjs项目 npx create-next-app@latest --typescript Next中有关于GraphQL的模板,我没有使用: npx create-next-app next-with-apollo 使用Apollo Client插件来连接API npm install @apollo/client graphql 初始化Apollo - `apollo-client.js` ...
However, there are actually a lot of things to be worked on and improve but I refuse to acknowledge it and goes on with my life on other projects. It was left with a lot of bugs too! Now I have decided to refurbish this project and make it into actual use for my future blog ...
The Composable Content Platform ✨ Our API-first technology empowers builders to connect, create, and extend content with ease delivering impactful experiences. - Contentful
Launch your next project quickly with templates for common use-cases, powered by Next.js and ContentfulGet started Details Developed by Contentful Need Help? Contact ContentfulEverything you need to launch your project quickly: Content model Move over WYSIWYG. Create platform-agnostic, composable ...
The easiest way to get started with Next.js + Contenful is by using create-next-contentful-app. This CLI tool enables you to quickly start building a new Next.js + Contentful application, with everything set up for you. Features Interactivity. Starter project full usable and deployable. Freq...
how can i fix largest contentful paint issue in next js image 0 How to debug and fix Largest Contentful Paint LCP probem due to div with text loaded in initial HTML document? Load 4 more related questions Know someone who can answer? Share a link to this question ...