Sampling commenced one month after planting for one year (3 June 2021–8 June 2022). Samples were taken weekly during the growing season (planting to harvest) and every second week in the fallow summer season (harvest to planting). Sampling was conducted between 9:00–11:30 AM each sampling...
In this post last year I noted that site traffic has indicated that most of you tend to read JMG during office hours and that continues to be the case, although I suspect not as many of you are reading this in your work-from-home sexy underwear compared to the lockdown years. Looking ...
It should be noted that the snowpack was disturbed during the installation process because some snow had to be removed in order to set up the SWP. The removal of the snow left the snowpack open to the air. While the specific day of installation was significantly cold (regularly conducive to...
Pollinizer Potentials of Reciprocally Crossed Summer Apple Varieties by Using ANOVA and Resampling Based MANOVAdoi:10.1007/s10341-023-01008-1Akkurt, EmreMertolu, KeremEvrenosolu, YaseminAlpu, zlemErwerbs-Obstbau
Parking meter fees should be reduced to what they were before the increase during the holi- day shopping season, they say. Several said they are fine with the rates going up, as long as the new multi-space meters make it easier than carrying around a roll of quarters just to do a ...
Following news of her death, tributes poured in from col- leagues and friends. Writing on bleraidxteornobfloLga.cmombe,thfocromuenrciLl,aSbtoeuver Reed, called Ms Ling a "one-off, wonderful, warm, and infuriat- ing" woman. Reed, now the MP for Croy- don North, added: "Her loss ...