I really appreciated that my copy editor, Vonda, respected my individual writing style and tried to improve it continuing my concept without altering or changing it at all. The service was fast, accurate, and to-the-point. I will definitely use FirstEditing in my second book! Viel patra, ...
doi:10.24847/v10i22023.314TRAVELTOURISMIrving, SarahSummerer, Karène SanchezZananiri, SaryMashriq & Mahjar: Journal of Middle East & North African Migration Studies
Writing the gentleman false letters. Streetwalking and soliciting. Better for your mother take the strap to you at the bedpost, hussy like you.Gerty (to Bloom) When you saw all the secrets of my bottom drawer. (she paws his sleeve, slobbering) Dirty married man! I love you for doing...