jump to: Restoring missing saves jump to: I want OneDrive to keep syncing my files jump to: I don't want OneDrive to sync my files jump to: I want to get rid of OneDrive jump to: My saves aren't in OneDrive jump to: My saves still aren't appearing in-game In Windows...
Missable content refers to items, equipment or other details that can be obtained or experienced at one point in the game, but can be missed permanently if the player does not do so before reaching a certain point in the game, or before its location...
Purchase The Life and Suffering of Sir Brante — Digital Content Bundle that contains the following: The game - The Life and Suffering of Sir Brante Digital art book with developer commentary - a 40-page album full of sketches and artwork by Sever Studio artists will help you immerse yourself...
Old Endgame missions are still accessible by loading saves which were created after the completion of Act IV Those players, who haven't yet reached the end of the story will gain access only to the new Endgame missions Players who finished the story already can open up the new Endgam...
* Leaving Dantooine at the endgame cutscenes did not run for male players. Made them skippable in all cases * Added missing animation at start of Disciple cutscene (to match Visas scene) * Slightly improved Disciple warning Admiral cutscene ...
此错误永远不会通过任何面向用户的 XGameSave API 返回到游戏。 相反,开发人员可能会在游戏终止时在其调试输出中看到此信息。 此错误表示游戏在初始化游戏保存提供程序时没有连接的存储锁。 这可能是由于多种原因导致的,包括当时处于脱机状态或在出现冲突对话框时让用户选择离线玩游戏。 由于游戏没有连接的存储锁,因...
要获取存储空间,你的游戏可调用 XGameSaveInitializeProvider 或XGameSaveInitializeProviderAsync。 如果传入 XUserHandle,则提供程序将自动获取并同步该用户的存储空间。 该空间中的所有容器都将同步,因此这可能是一个长时间运行的操作,尤其是如果用户已经在一台设备上保存数据,并且第一次在其他设备上继续游戏。 完成此...
They're more likely to cause errors or bugs in-game; if [SMAPI] your game has issues, try removing these first. Otherwise you can 分享43 tomax交流吧 ◎地狱老司机 听说大魔王会出油,老哥们咋保养的啊,出油擦干净就行吧,不影响什么吧 分享5441 eclipse吧 七度缤纷 eclipse装插件报错 求帮助Warning...
建议使用 XGameSave API 将游戏保存内容存储在云中。 有关详细信息,请参阅 Game saves。建议将本地游戏保存到用户的“文档”文件夹:Documents\Saved Games<Developer Name><Game Name>。备注 确保代码创建这些文件夹(如果它们不存在)。 这可确保游戏玩家能够发现他们保存的游戏并在未使用 XGameSave 的情况下对其...