eggysudianto changed the title httpConn.contentType must not be null error after upgrade lib from 1.8.4 to 1.9.1 httpConn.contentType must not be null error after upgrade lib from 1.8.4 to 1.9.0 - 1.9.1 Nov 9, 2022 eggysudianto changed the title httpConn.contentType must not be ... spring bug Content-Type为null时会报错,为空不会报错 spring自3.2.12已修复该bug 解决办法: 1/Content-Type 赋值或者给空字符串 2/升级spring spring bug Content-Type为null时会报错,为空不会报错 spring自3.2.12已修复该bug 解决办法: 1/Content-Type 赋值或者给空字符串 2/升级spring
throw new RuntimeException(" request must not be null!"); } String contentType = request.getContentType(); /* * 如果ContentType是application/x-www-form-urlencoded,那么使用ServletModelAttributeMethodProcessor解析器 * *注:其实默认的,当系统识别到参数前有@RequestBody注解时,就会走RequestResponseBodyM...
Assert.notNull(url, "'url' must not be null"); Assert.notNull(method, "'method' must not be null"); ClientHttpResponse response = null; try { ClientHttpRequest request = createRequest(url, method); if (requestCallback != null) { ...
response.setContentType(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE);response.setCharacterEncoding("UTF-8"); 之后,发现了浏览器F12页面中的请求结果的 responseHeader 中 contentType 属性始终是application/json;charset=ISO-8859-1,并不符合预期结果,最终结果的应该是application/json;charset=UTF-8才是理想的啊。
When setting a listener, clients must also declare the accepted MIME types. The listener will still be invoked even if the MIME type of the content is not one of the declared MIME types (e.g. if the user pastes content whose type is not one of the declared MIME types). In that case...
This must be a valid ServiceConnection object; it must not be null. flags Bind Operation options for the binding. Can be: 0 #BIND_AUTO_CREATE#BIND_DEBUG_UNBIND#BIND_NOT_FOREGROUND#BIND_ABOVE_CLIENT#BIND_ALLOW_OOM_MANAGEMENT#BIND_WAIVE_PRIORITY#BIND_IMPORTANT#BIND_ADJUST_WITH_ACTIVITY#BIND_...
I get the error: Argument 1 passed to Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response::setContent() must be of the type string or null, object given. However if I do Copy public function store(Request $request) { return Request::all(); } it returns a json response. Does the...
When you add a site content type to a list using the object model, SharePoint Foundation automatically adds any columns that the content type contains that are not already on the list. This contrasts with referencing content types in a list schema, in which case you must explicitly add the ...