你取消这个参数的传人试试,contentType 一般都指定dataType就可以了。或许你返回的结果不是json格式?然后自动转换失败了?先检查下你输出的json 放到bejson上去测试下
Request Headers部分各个字段的功能 通过上面的例子,我们可以看到在Request Headers里面以后很多字段,比如Content-type,Host这些,那么这些字段又有什么意思呢,下面通过表格来介绍一下: Header 解释 示例 Accept 指定客户端能够接收的内容类型 Accept: text/plain, text/html,*/* Accept-Charset 浏览器可以接受的字符编码...
说到这,我们发现在 JQuery ajax() 方法中我们使contentType = false,这不是冲突了吗?这当然没有,因为当我们查看这时的 Request headers,会发现还是有分界符。这就是因为当我们在 form 标签中设置了enctype = “multipart/form-data”,这样请求中的 contentType 就会默认为 multipart/form-data 。而我们在 ajax ...
Technically, though, content negotiation is the process in which client and server determine the best possible representation format to use in their interactions. Inspecting the request typically means looking into a couple of HTTP headers such as Accept and Content-...
How to Export multiple headers to excel using asp.net how to extract the content type and filename type to save a file How to fetch data from db to an excel file and send as attachment How To Fill a DataSet from a Stored Procedure That Returns Multiple Tables How to filter extension f...
首先,Content-Type被指定为 application/x-www-form-urlencoded;其次,提交的表单数据会转换为键值对并按照 key1=val1&key2=val2 的方式进行编码,key 和 val 都进行了 URL 转码。大部分服务端语言都对这种方式有很好的支持。 另外,如利用AJAX 提交数据时,也可使用这种方式。例如jQuery,Content-Type 默认值都是...
('HTTP/1.1 304 Not Modified'); //设置内容长度 header('Content-Length: 1234...'); //设置为一个下载类型 header('Content-Type: application/octet-stream'); header('Content-Disposition: attachment...header('Expires: Mon, 26 Jul 1997 05:00:00 GMT'); // Date in the past header('Pragma...
type: "POST", contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8" } ... However, based on examining the network traffic, here's the POST request information: Remote Address:[::1]:8082 Request URL:rest/books Request Method:POST Status Code:400 Bad Request Request Headersview source Accept:*/*...
but there is no such header in request. I tried to use code: jquery code works fine: $.ajax({ url: Urls.login, data: data, type: "POST", headers: { 'Content-type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' } }); How can I use axios to send request with this header?