CSP是由单词 Content Security Policy 的首单词组成,CSP旨在减少(注意这里是减少而不是消灭)跨站脚本攻击...
// 1. 定义一个 回调函数 handleResponse 用来接收返回的数据functionhandleResponse(data){console.log(data);};// 2. 动态创建一个 script 标签,并且告诉后端回调函数名叫 handleResponsevarbody=document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0];varscript=document.gerElement('script');script.src='http://www.lai...
#add_header Content-Security-Policy"default-src 'self' https://a.cn:8822/ https://b.cn/ https://c.cn/ https://d.cn:8553/ 'unsafe-inline' 'unsafe-eval' blob: data:;"; add_header Strict-Transport-Security"max-age=63072000; includeSubdomains; preload"; add_header X-Permitted-Cross-D...
connect-src performance.typekit.net You should combine these directives into a single policy and set the Content-Security-Policy header on all your HTTP(S) responses. To support older versions of Chrome, Firefox, and Safari, you’ll also need to include the X-Content-Security-Policy and X-We...
Description The default Content Security Policy (CSP) used by Keycloak is not locked down enough, and should be improved as it adds a lot of additional protection against XSS attacks. We need to investigate what would be the best header...
{baseUrl}/api/data/v9.1/organizations`); if (!orgResponse.ok) throw new Error('Failed to retrieve org info'); const orgs = await orgResponse.json(); const { organizationid, iscontentsecuritypolicyenabled } = orgs.value[0]; console.log(`Organization Id: ${organizationid}`); console....
default-src是ContentSecurityPolicy(CSP)中的一项关键指令,用于定义网页中加载资源的默认安全策略。CSP是一种安全策略,旨在帮助防御跨站脚本(XSS)和数据注入攻击,通过限制网页可以加载的资源来源,从而提高网站的安全性。 3.1原理 default-src指令设定后,浏览器会将其应用到所有未明确指定来源的资源类型上,如脚本、样式表...
Content-Security-Policy:指令1 指令值1;指令2 指令值2;指令3 指令值3 在一条策略中,如果一个指令中有多个指令值,则指令值之间用空号隔开: Content-Security-Policy:指令a 指令值a1指令值a2 3.2 CSP 指令 default-src : 定义针对所有类型(js/image/css/font/ajax/iframe/多媒体等)资源的默认加载策略,如果某...
启用CSP方法:一种是通过 HTTP 头信息的Content-Security-Policy的字段,另一种是通过网页的meta标签。 第一种:修改 nginx 配置文件 在nginx.conf 配置文件中,增加如下配置内容: add_header Content-Security-Policy "default-src 'self' localhost:8080 'unsafe-inline' 'unsafe-eval' blob: data: ;"; ...
When we refer to a CSP, we are talking about a website’s Content-Security-Policy response header. The header’s value is a string of text, a semicolon-separated list of directives (like script-src, image-src, connect-src, etc) and their source lists, a list of domains (or content...