这可以通过设置 X-Frame-Options HTTP头、Content-Security-Policy头或 frame-ancestors 等机制来实现。 启用安全头: 在HTTP响应头中设置 X-Frame-Options 以指定是否允许嵌入 iframe。常见选项包括: DENY:不允许任何网站嵌入 iframe。 SAMEORIGIN:只允许同源网站嵌入 iframe。 ALLOW-FROM uri:允许特定来源的网站嵌入 i...
1Content-Security-Policy: script-src 'self' https://<third-party.com>; object-src 'none'; In this scenario, script-src is set to self and a third-party domain is whitelisted. We can bypass it by using JSONP. Insecure callback methods are allowed in JSONP endpoints which allow an ...
Any server side programming environment should allow you to send back a custom HTTP response header. You can also use your web server to send back the header.Apache Content-Security-Policy HeaderAdd the following to your httpd.conf in your VirtualHost or in an .htaccess file:Header set ...
OneForAll是一款功能强大的子域收集工具 python osint subdomain content-security-policy recon bugbounty information-gathering pentest-tool zone-transfers subdomain-scanner nsec subdomain-takeover subdomain-enumeration subdomain-bruteforcing subdomain-crawler subdomain-collection subdomian-find oneforall altna...
CSP是由单词Content Security Policy的首单词组成,CSP旨在减少(注意这里是减少而不是消灭)跨站脚本攻击。
Content-Security-Policy: default-src 'self'; img-src 'self' cdn.example.com; In this example CSP policy you find two CSP directives:default-srcandimg-src. Thedefault-srcdirective restricts what URLs resources can be fetched from the document that set theContent-Security-Policyheader. This inclu...
When I click "Administration Console" icon in Keycloak main page https://my-keycloak.com.vn (public domain) I have got the error as follows: Some resources are blocked because their origin is not listed in your site's Content Security Policy (CSP). Your site's CSP is allowlist-based, ...
The CSP policy does not allow you to set an exception for inline styles added by a script from a specific domain. If you specify an unsafe-inline exception for styles, it will apply to all styles from all domains. Adobe Fonts uses inline styles and fonts as data URIs to provide our ...
Content-Security-Policy: default-src 'self' Example 2 A web site administrator wants to allow content from a trusted domain and all its subdomains (it doesn't have to be the same domain that the CSP is set on.) Content-Security-Policy: default-src 'self' *.trusted.com ...
Allow CSP extension lets you easily remove existing content security policy rules from any webpage (from the response header). This extension is useful for web or mobile app developers or whenever you want to temporarily disable CSP rules. To work with this addon, please open the toolbar popu...