2005. Quality of export memory content: a conceptual framework. Journal of Marketing Management 21 3-4, 291-306.Sy-Changco, J., Souchon, A.L. and Evangelista, F. (2005), "Quality of export memory content: A conceptual framework", Journal of Marketing Management, Vol. 21 No.3, pp. ...
RESEARCH ARTICLEDeterminants of content marketingeffectiveness: Conceptual framework andempirical findings from a managerialperspectiveClemens Koob ID *Departmentof Health and Nursing, Katholische Stiftungshochschule Mu¨nchen, Munich, Germany* clemens.koob@ksh-m.deAbstractContent marketing has gained momentum ...
The Impact of User – Generated Content (UGC) on Product Reviews towards Online Purchasing – A Conceptual Framework 喜欢 0 阅读量: 199 作者:AZ Bahtar,M Muda 摘要: Social media is a virtual community that links people around the globe through many websites such as Friendster, MySpace, You...
Little attention has been paid, however, to establishing a conceptual framework for structuring the content of competitive worry. The main purpose of this study was to examine the latent dimensionality of competitive worry in intercollegiate ice hockey (N = 178) using a conceptual framework based ...
Peer-reviewunderresponsibilityofFacultyofBusinessManagement,UniversitiTeknologiMARA doi:10.1016/S2212-5671(16)30134-4 ScienceDirect FIFTHINTERNATIONALCONFERENCEONMARKETINGANDRETAILING(5TH INCOMaR)2015 TheImpactofUser–GeneratedContent(UGC)onProduct ReviewstowardsOnlinePurchasing–AConceptualFramework AzlinZanariahBahtar...
This study was a multiple case study grounded in a social constructivist framework. Data were collected from multiple sources and analysed using three approaches: (a) constant comparative method, (b) enumerative approach, and (c) in-depth analysis of explicit PCK. The results indicated that (a)...
In this article we propose a conceptual framework for educational technology by building on Shulman's formulation of "pedagogical content knowledge" and extend it to the phenomenon of teachers integrating technology into their pedagogy. This framework is the result of 5 years of work on a program ...
The Microsoft 365 CDN service is included as part of your SharePoint subscription.For more information about how to use the Microsoft 365 CDN, see Use the Microsoft 365 content delivery network with SharePoint.To watch a series of short videos that provide conceptual and HOWTO information about...
The Microsoft 365 CDN service is included as part of your SharePoint subscription.For more information about how to use the Microsoft 365 CDN, see Use the Microsoft 365 content delivery network with SharePoint.To watch a series of short videos that provide conceptual and HOWTO information about...
Figure 1 shows the conceptual architecture of items in WinFS. Each item exists in a containment folder; these are used to control the lifetime of items. Folders are items themselves and each folder must be contained within another folder. The only exception to this containment rule is the roo...