In this post I’ll break down the meaning for you and then I’ll share four real-life examples from my personal experience. I will also show you one from a colleague, another from the internet, and a final one from our product team. You can then cherry pick from those ideas and use...
The final word If you’re passionate about creating educational content, you can create andsell your digital product for free on The Leap. WithThe Leap, you have a lot of options. If you’re just getting started, you might choose to offer your digital products for free and use them as ...
Videois incredibly popular on websites. But adding a video that works reliably across different browsers can be challenging. The last thing you want is to have an otherwise perfectly designed web page with a video that viewers can't get to work. One of the easiest ways to avoid this scenar...
and 20% of your content should be designed as link or share bait. The good news is that these two types of content don’t need to be mutually exclusive. Meaning, you can create keyword-targeted content that also acts aslink bait.
Now that you know the basic meaning of gated content, let’s talk about the difference between gated and ungated content. Picture two paths in a garden: Gated Content:This path is like a VIP entrance. When you go down the gated path, you agree to provide some personal information, like...
One of a kind is basically what we meant when we said old unique content, meaning that the engines have never seen those words and phrases and numbers and visuals and whatever in that order on a page on the web previously. It's been written for the first time, produced and published fo...
This test scores a readability from 0 to 100, with higher scores meaning the text is easy to read. Grammarly and Yoast use Flesh-Kincaid to measure readability. 7. Implement SEO tactics Help Google understand your content page by applying SEO tactics that work well for featured snippets. ...
Context:what gives what they are looking for meaning? The search engine ranks content to provide quality answers to searcher’s queries. There are a number of factors by which the search engine ranks content. It’s not just whether the content answers a specific question but also whether the...
Tolstoy could have written an essay on how greed is wrong, but I probably wouldn’t have remembered it. Instead, I can vividly recall the farmer who dies during the struggle to get one more foot of land even though he has more than enough already. Personal stories give meaning to your...
You don’t need a top secret private network of sites linking to yours. Then how does it rank organically? Because my method still gets you a lot of shares, clicks, backlinks, and time on page. It does all that as a side effect. Meaning it just happens. Google loves all those thing...