3.1 - 17.4: Not supported 17.5: Not supported 17.6 - TP: Not supported Firefox 2 - 125: Not supported 126 - 127: Supported 128: Supported 129 - 131: Supported Opera 9 - 108: Not supported 109 - 110: Supported 111: Supported
Accept-Encoding: deflate Accept-Encoding: br Accept-Encoding: zstd Accept-Encoding: identity Accept-Encoding: * // 使用质量价值语法对多个算法进行加权: Accept-Encoding: deflate, gzip;q=1.0, *;q=0.5 Content-Encoding 实体消息首部Content-Encoding列出了对当前实体消息(消息荷载)应用的任何编码类型,以及编...
The Content-Encoding header should be "zstd". Complementary information No response Build target Docker linux/amd64 Environment and specs static-web-server:v2.31.1 Rust:v1.78.0 OS:Docker on Ubuntu 22.04 Arch:x86_64 (64-bit) Docker:26.1.3-1 ...
The server will reply as expected. $ docker run --rm joseluisq/alpine-curl curl -s -i -v -H"Accept-Encoding: zstd"--compressed* processing:* Trying* Connected to ( port 8787...
static const struct content_encoding zstd_encoding = { "zstd", NULL, zstd_init_writer, zstd_unencode_write, zstd_close_writer, sizeof(struct zstd_params) }; #endif /* Identity handler. */ static CURLcode identity_init_writer(struct Curl_easy *data, ...
服务器返回了不受支持的编码:服务器可能配置了返回 Brotli、Zstd 或其他非标准/非广泛支持的编码类型。 libcurl 版本过旧:较旧版本的 libcurl 可能不支持最新的内容编码类型。 客户端未正确配置:客户端应用程序可能没有正确设置或处理 HTTP 响应的 Content-Encoding 头部。 3. 解决方案 更新libcurl: 确保你使用的 ...
A solution to this quantization-induced artificial information is to apply bitwise real information analysis in the compressed encoding. The bitwise real information content, as defined here, is independent of the binary number format, so it can also be applied to integers representing compressed data...
doi:10.15585/mmwr.mm6939a7VITAL statisticsETHNICITYMEDICAL statisticsWHITE peopleThe article discusses about the age-adjusted pedestrian death rate increased from 1.7 per 100,000 in 2009 to 2.2 in 2018.MMWR: Morbidity & Mortality Weekly Report
[package]] name = "encoding_rs" version = "0.8.34" source = "registry+https://github.com/rust-lang/crates.io-index" checksum = "b45de904aa0b010bce2ab45264d0631681847fa7b6f2eaa7dab7619943bc4f59" dependencies = [ "cfg-if", ] [[package]] name = "encoding_rs_io" version = "...