This book series features scientific and scholarly studies focusing on politics, economics and changing societies in South Asia. Utilizing recent theoretical and empirical advances, this series aims at providing a critical and in-depth analysis of contemporary affairs and future developments and challenges...
StudiesGBR19%similarity12 Development and ChangeGBR17%similarity13 Comparative Studies of South Asia, Africa and the Middle EastUSA17%similarity14 Millennial AsiaUSA16%similarity15 Journal of the Royal Anthropological InstituteUSA14%similarity16 Inter-Asia Cultural StudiesGBR14%similarity17 History and ...
《Contemporary South Asia》是一本专注于南亚地区研究的学术杂志,它鼓励并促进了艺术和社会科学领域内对南亚研究的多角度和跨学科的新视角。这本杂志提供了一个多维度的论坛,让学者们能够就南亚及其侨民社区在后殖民时代所面临的问题进行深入探讨和分析。 杂志特别欢迎那些能够超越传统学科界限,提供新颖理论和方法论的...
期刊简称CONTEMP SOUTH ASIA 参考译名《当代南亚》 核心类别 AHCI(2024版), SSCI(2024版), 目次收录(维普), 目次收录(知网),外文期刊, IF影响因子 自引率 主要研究方向AREA STUDIES Contemporary South Asia《当代南亚》(季刊). Contemporary South Asia seeks to address the issues of the region by presenting...
The countries of South Asia - Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan and Sri Lanka - are internally diverse and part of global flows of people, goods and ideas. Contemporary South Asia seeks to address the issues of the region by presenting research and analysis which is both ...
《当代东亚研究杂志》(Journal Of Contemporary East Asia Studies)是一本以Social Sciences-Cultural Studies综合研究为特色的国际期刊。该刊由Taylor & Francis出版商该刊已被国际重要权威数据库SCIE收录。期刊聚焦Social Sciences-Cultural Studies领域的重点研究和前沿进展,及时刊载和报道该领域的研究成果,致力于成为该领...
13: The Philippines and Southeast Asia: Historical Roots and Contemporary Linkages From a nutritional point of view, this thesis started with the hypothesis that Laos is lacking a food security concept which sufficiently responds to the c... BV Cariño - 《Center for Migration Studies Special Is...
StudiesGBR15%similarity13 Pacific ReviewGBR15%similarity14 Asian EthnicityGBR15%similarity15 Modern ChinaUSA13%similarity16 DemocratizationGBR13%similarity17 Competition and ChangeGBR13%similarity18 Asia PolicyUSA13%similarity19 Contemporary South AsiaGBR12%similarity20 Development Policy ReviewGBR12%similarity...
The Journal of Contemporary East Asian Studies is an academic journal focusing on political, economic, social and cultural phenomena in East Asia. This journal may cover in-depth analysis and commentary on contemporary East Asian countries such as China, Japan, South Korea, and other countries ...
《Journal Of Contemporary East Asia Studies》国际简称:Journal Of Contemporary East Asia Studies,是由出版商Taylor & Francis出版的一本致力于发布--研究新成果的的专业学术期刊。主要发表刊登有创见的学术论文文章、行业最新科研成果,扼要报道阶段性研究成果和重要