Sex change surgery has been practised in Iran under Ayatollah Khomeini’s fatwa in 1982. Therefore, a medical and judicial process of transition has b
Lu, Jiehuja, and Li. Zhang. 2017. “Zhongguo laonianren de zhaoliao xuqiu moshi jiqi xingxiang yinsu yanjiu—jiyu zhongguo laonian shehui zhuizong diaocha shuju de yanzheng” (A Study on Chinese Elderly Care Demands Pattern and Its Determinants: Based on the Evidence of 2014 CLASS).Ren...
As Bennett and Davies' book was written several years ago, the question is how intersections between gender, Islam, and sexuality have developed since then. 1.3 Gender, Sexuality and Islam in Contemporary Indonesia: An Overview Navigating the shoals of gender, Islam and sexuality requires a ...
Precariously Yours - Gender, Class, And Urbanity In Contemporary Shanghai12.07 - 12.27 Away from the Long Night12.05 - 12.31 Thru The Lens12.05 - 12.20 Tomorrow’s Party - Contemporary Art Exhibition12.04 - 12.09 Uncertain Identities11.28 - 12.19 Some Like It Witty11.22 - 12.23 Thinking & Runnin...
Therefore, the African and Ghanaian question begs for expatiation because of the economic base and healthcare fragility of these countries. The Ghanaian case in particular represents a quintessential African state that is rising under the sun irrespective of its own challenges. Therefore, it is ...
Bearing the human right to religious instruction in mind, the question of where children and students today receive religious instruction today pre-sents itself. More specifically: •Are private religious classes allowed and under what conditions? •What is the status of religion in public schools...
“the color line” of race onto the sharp class distinction characteristic of a feudal economy, implying that class precedes and determines race. Branas, who repeatedly spent time in Southeast Asia, has previously produced photographic images and other works which may be read as reflecting race. ...
To address this question, we will, in the following section, summarize a study by Martin Whyte of pre- industrial societies and describe a small preliminary analysis of two relevant variables in his data set: the presence of female initiation ceremonies (including those with genital modifica- ...
9). 2.9 LIMITATIONS OF KNOWLEDGE Since the disciplines of psychiatry and clinical psychology developed in a context of Western, and to a large extent, West-European, cultures, drawing little, if anything, from 'other' cultural traditions, the question 2 HOW 'RACE' BEGAN, AND THE EMERGENCE …...
Responding to the question ‘What can painting offer that other art forms cannot?’, the artworks selected and commissioned for this survey share a focus on material and form, and are deliberately open ended. Through suggestion and proposition, the artists invite us into conversations that, ...