Held in collaboration with Tang Contemporary Art, this is the first full-scale solo exhibition in Thailand in three years by Gongkan who evokes deep reflections on the complexities of life through the lens of surrealist art. VIEW MORE The Straits Times Arts Picks: Two exhibitions in Orchard and...
Van Gogh Museum, Royal Museum of Fine Arts(Koninklijk Museum van Schone, Centro de Arte Reina Sofia, St-Étienne Museum of Modern Art, Museum of Fine Arts Boston, Guggenheim Bilbao, Altes Nationalgalerie, Gemäldegalerie Alte Meister, Brera Gallery, Pitti Palace, Museo Thyssen-Bornemisza, ...
Country:ContemporaryArtforSouthandSoutheastAsiaattheAsiaSocietyHongKongCenter.We sharethevisionoffurtheringtheunderstandingofcountriesthroughartsandculturalexchange,and engagingHongKongandglobalaudiencesinourcommitment.Withtheburgeoningartssceneand creativedynamismintheregion,thereisnobettertimethannowtobringthisworld-class...
The Pavilion Project The 12th Gwangju Biennale will, for the first time, host a series of Pavilion Projects beginning with three leading international art institutions to connect the Gwangju region to a wider arts community. The Gwangju Civic Center, Mugaksa Temple, Leekangha Art Museum, and Alte...
Whereas in the lower House, or the House of the People you may have representation in accordance with number, in the Upper House or Council of States the representation is more of the territory of the Unit of the special interests of the Unit or region, than of the people pure and ...
absolutist, one can argue that from the point of view of the elites, consciousness of a Thai national identity has been a feature of Thai historical narrative for close to a century. Excepting the Philippines, this level of national awareness in the first decades of the 20th entury was ...
The Pavilion Project The 12th Gwangju Biennale will, for the first time, host a series of Pavilion Projects beginning with three leading international art institutions to connect the Gwangju region to a wider arts community. The Gwangju Civic Center, Mugaksa Temple, Leekangha Art Museum, and Alte...
Nowadays, “Mexican pink” is considered an element of national identity, and it is widely present in the clothing and textile art of native peoples, crafts, fine arts, and popular architecture (Figure 8 and Figure 9). “Mexican pink” recently became the standard color of Mexico City’s vi...