and in Poland the language of sin, guilt, and forgiveness is deeply embedded in the Church. The introduction to the Requiem Mass intones; "Grant them eternal rest, O Lord, and may
oracle•HisDemocraticPartyloyaltyturned him into anoraclewhoforesawelectoraldisasterfor his party in 1980.•Apollo'soracleat DidymanearMiletusrecommendedanattackon thechurch.•At Delphi where he went toconsulttheoracle, thepriestesslooked at thematterjust as he did.•Perhaps Zeus consulted theoracle...
•AndCross soon careered outof control,relyingfor information on thelocalInternationalMonetaryFundoffice.•He made ahastysignof thecross and rushed outof thechurch.•RedCross workers handed outorangejuiceto children in the 35Cheat.•You writetext, youdoodle, youcross things out... quite ...
Definitions of brands solely focused on names or logos intended to identify a product or service have been critiqued in the literature [15,17]. However, the manifestation of what a brand is and how a brand is used has now evolved significantly. A more contemporary perspective on branding was...