CPA Australia Contemporary Business Issues (Electronic Version PDF)- Superb Scan Quality 600 dpi 因2014年起CPA Australia摒弃了活页夹订书,特此把此书转换成电子版,不论是按章打印,或是存入Ipad中都非常方便。适用于学习与预习。 CBI一共六章 分成了6个文档 每个文档小于10MB 电子版售价50rmb 楼主辛苦扫描...
“He said I wasn’t likely to get a loan without experience running a restaurant, but he was willing to help me work on my business plan—if I met him at a hotel bar.” I held my breath for Gabe’s reaction, curious. He could say that was normal and how things were done in the...
Book reviewContemporaryissuesinfinancialreporting:Auser-orientedapproach,PaulRosenfield,Routledge,Abigdon/NewYork(2006),xxiv+561pages,$160,£90.00,ISBN10:0-415-70206-2 (hbk)Paul Rosenfield has been on the “firing line” of the development of financial accountingreporting standards. A CPA, in ...
In this way, the meeting seeks to constitute a moment of reflection on these issues, considering its multiple dynamics at national and international level, in a multidisciplinary perspective.. Thematic axes: - Functions of the State and Administrative Organization - Administrative evolution: continuities...
Maksy PhD., CPA, Mostafa MZheng, LinSocial Science Electronic PublishingMaksy, M. M. & Zheng, L. (2008). Factors associated with student performance in advanced accounting and auditing: An empirical study in a public university. Accounting Research Journal, 21(1), 16-32....
macroeconomic development, health, and primary education), efficiency factors (higher development and training in human resources, market efficiency, responsiveness to new technologies, labor market efficiency, financial market development), and innovation factors (market size, business sophistication, and inn...
and the creation and use of innovative solutions in business and energy policy; • digitalisation is closely related to Resource productivity and domestic material con- sumption; • inflationary consequences can be mitigated by digitisation (and preconditions for it, such as the availability of high...
As a result, the development of ad-blocking leads to the collapse of one of the key online business models according to which advertisers pay publishers a certain amount of money for each display of their advertisement to a visitor on their Website. In this situation, many organizations are ...
logistics Review Pandemic, War, Natural Calamities, and Sustainability: Industry 4.0 Technologies to Overcome Traditional and Contemporary Supply Chain Challenges Abirami Raja Santhi 1,* and Padmakumar Muthuswamy 2,* 1 Communication Business Unit, ThinkPalm Technologies Pvt. Ltd., Chennai 600119, India...