View The Moat, Breccles by Winston Churchill, sold at 20th Century & Contemporary Art Evening Sale on New York Auction 23 June 2021. Learn more about the piece and artist, and its final selling price.
Themes in Contemporary Art (Art of the 20th Century)PerryGill (Editor) / WoodPaul (Editor)
View Untitled by Keith Haring, sold at 20th Century & Contemporary Art Day Sale, Morning Session on New York Auction 16 May 2018. Learn more about the piece and artist, and its final selling price.
Discover the latest Architecture news and projects on Contemporary Art at ArchDaily, the world's largest architecture website. Stay up-to-date with articles and updates on the newest developments in architecture.
Contemporaryartreferstoartproducedinthelate20thcenturyandearly21stcentury.Theexacttimeframecanvary,butitgenerallyincludesartmadefromthe1960sonwards.Concept-BasedDefinition Contemporaryartcanalsobedefinedbyitsfocusonexploringnewconcepts,ideas,andapproaches.Itoftenchallengestraditionalartisticvaluesandaesthetics.TheDifference...
Expert fine art dealer in London, specialising in original 20th century French and European impressionist artworks. Find the perfect piece for your collection. Online and in-person viewings available.
European, American, Latin American and Russian paintings, works on paper, sculpture and photography represent all periods of 20th Century and Contemporary fine art in our December 7 sale. Highlights include a group of drawings by Hans Hofmann and Mark Tobey from a private New York collection, wor...
The study of contemporary art is one of the main means of implementing aesthetic education in China. This discipline allows a student to develop a system of spiritual values, reveal talents and acquire skills needed for professional growth. Chinese art i
The photography included in Phillips’ 20th Century & Contemporary Art sales in London last week performed without much in the way of incident. An inky Wolfgang Tillmans abstract took the top honors, and with an overall Buy-In rate for photography under 20%, the Total Sa...