The file contains top level spacers. They will not be saved.Perhaps you forgot to create a layout 当你用Qt Designer设计界面时,用到了Spacers栏中的窗口控件或者Display Widgets栏中的Horizontal Line等布局有关的控件时,直接保存可能会弹出如下提示: 提示你无法保存,这时因为你只加把布局控件加了上去,并没...
For both stainings the granules were washed with tap water and mounted in coverwell chambers (Thermofisher) with various spacers (1, 1.7, 2 mm) to keep the original shape of the granule. The samples were examined at a Leica SP5X instrument (Leica Germany) equipped with an upright ...
The virus/bead mixture was then added to mucus at 10% v/v on a slide within a single well of a 0.1-mm 8-well imag- ing spacer (Grace Biolabs, Bend, OR). The virus/bead mixture and mucus were gently mixed using a positive displacement pipette, and a coverslip was used to seal ...
RNAi constructs were prepared using stem-loop inserts, the loop being a 460 bp spacer fragment. The resulting fragments were integrated into the same pLew100 vectors described above. The regions targeted by RNAi were: TimRhom I (ORF nt 364-669), TimRhom II (30-untranslated region nt 125-...