The function contains_any_of has the same effect as contains, but does not check for the occurrences of the entire string in substring. Instead, it checks for the individual characters in substring. This check is always case-sensitive. The return code is true if text contains at least the ...
This repository contains the material for the hands-on session RAP640 - Mitigating Missing Released SAP APIs in the 3-tier Extensibility Model. - SAP-samples/abap-platform-rap640
Link this package with the URL of the RAP Generator repository Use the branchabap-environment. Pull changes. Use mass activation to activate the objects that have been imported in step 3.
SAP Managed Tags: NW ABAP Print and Output Management Hi , I'm using 'CONVERT_ABAPSPOOLJOB_2_PDF' function module for PDF conversion for sending mails by calling a smartform. I'm passing the spool ID as given below. But the FM is giving an error as "Spool request XXX contains no ...
Solved: Hello Experts, I have created a new field RSUPG in the AFIH table settings of SLT and tried to default its value with 'X' in rule settings. It was a simple
DTCC大会上,阿里江疑的演讲中提到一个:select from update hot row; 不明白如何在Oracle中实现的,他的意思是在一条SQL中实现update和select这条update...经dbsnake指点,了解到这是模仿了Oracle的returning into子句,可以将使用的DML语句影响的行记录的指定列的值select出来。...statement: Example 11-15 Using BUL...
In this hands-on workshop, we will guide you through the development of a custom wrapper for the ABAP Cloud enablement of an unreleased SAP BAPI for creating purchase requisitions, then a custom RAP BO and UI service on top of it to develop a transactional, design-capable, Fiori Elements-...