sudo chown $(id-u):$(id-g)$HOME/.kube/config 此时获取节点信息如下,kubectl describe node kubernetes-master可以看到是cni plugin not initialized,即插件没有安装 [root@kubernetes-master ~]# kubectl get node NAME STATUS ROLES AGE VERSION kubernetes-master NotReady control-plane 100s v1.25.4 4.4、...
please check CRI plugin status before setting up network for pods"error="cni config load failed: no network config found in /etc/cni/net.d: cni plugin not initialized: failed to load cni config"
I0222 14:38:54.019413 2109 kubelet.go:2323] "Container runtime status" status="Runtime Conditions: RuntimeReady=true reason: message:, NetworkReady=false reason:NetworkPluginNotReady message:Network plugin returns error: cni plugin not initialized" E0222 14:38:54.019441 2109 kubelet.go:2326] "Co...
please check CRI plugin status before setting up network for pods" error="cni config load failed: no network config found in /etc/cni/net.d: cni plugin not initialized: failed to load cni config
time="2023-03-24T10:14:51.282280892+08:00" level=error msg="failed to load cni during init, please check CRI plugin status before setting up network for pods" error="cni config load failed: no network config found in /etc/cni/net.d: cni plugin not initialized: failed to load cni ...
使用Kubectl查看工作节点时发现节点状态为NotReady,并报出Network plugin returns error: cni plugin not initialized错误解决办法. 作者: WeiyiGeek 原文地址: 0x00 前言简述 本章主要讲述,如果使用kubeadm进行安装配置K8S集群,并指定使用containerd作为容器运行时搭配使用...
"lastCNILoadStatus": "cni config load failed: no network config found in /etc/cni/net.d: cni plugin not initialized: failed to load cni config" } I guess I'm still doing something wrong here, but it's my first time setting up clusters outside of a windows test environment. ...
此外,需要注意的是,在 RunPodSandbox 这个接口的实现中,你还需要调用 networkPlugin.SetUpPod(…) 来为这个 Sandbox 设置网络。这个 SetUpPod(…) 方法,实际上就在执行 CNI 插件里的 add(…) 方法,也就是我在前面为你讲解过的 CNI 插件为 Pod 创建网络,并且把 Infra 容器加入到网络中的操作。
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