aCED (Charter Eligibility Declaration) Contacts contain additional CED information to demonstrate that the contact is a legal entity in the Asia Pacific region. CED Contacts are maintained and associated with a .ASIA domain utilizing the extensions. CED (宪章合格声明) 联络包含另外的CED信息显示出,联络...
Sets the fields that contain information about a contact. Obs! Fields may be altered or unavailable for releases after Windows 8.1. Instead, use Phones, Emails, Addresses, or ConnectedServiceAccounts. FirstName Gets or sets the first name for a contact. The maximum string length for the firs...
Note:As you type, Outlook refines its search. For example, if you type the letter J, Outlook will return results that contain John, James, Jack, Julian, and Julie. If you type Jul, Outlook will return results that include Julian and Julie in any field, including company name, email add...
Emails Gets the email addresses for a contact. Fields Sets the fields that contain information about a contact. Note Fields may be altered or unavailable for releases after Windows 8.1. Instead, use Phones, Emails, Addresses, or ConnectedServiceAccounts. FirstName Gets or sets the first name...
Access filters the list to show only those records that contain the text you searched for. To return to the full list, clickClear the current search. (It's the X inside the search box.) Show or hide columns On theContact Listform, some fields (columns) are hidden by def...
Contacts Contact records contain information about the people you know and work with. Usually, multiple contacts are associated with one account. Contacts could include people responsible for making purchasing decisions, people in charge of paying invoices, support techni...
Contacts in Bitrix24 contain detailed information about clients and are used when creating deals. Contact list Go to theCRMpage -Customers-Contacts. You will see the list of all contacts. The contact list contains basic information about the customers. ...
Your contacts list ThePeopleapp lists all contacts you've stored onHTC 10and from online accounts you're logged in to. Use thePeopleapp to easily manage communications with people that matter to you.
mail contacts are mail-enabled objects that contain information about people who exist outside your organization. Each mail contact has an external email address, but the mail contact is visible in your organization's shared address book (also known as the global address list or GAL) and ot...
Your contacts list ThePeopleapp lists all contacts you've stored onHTC Desire 10 proand from online accounts you're logged in to. Use thePeopleapp to easily manage communications with people that matter to you. From the .