•ANSYSLS-DYNA在定义接触冲击区域后,生成接触表面 •什么是接触表面 –包含了四边形和三角形单元的表面 –一面是从面(slaveside),或者接触面(contactface)。在从面上的节 点称之为从面节点或接触体。另一面是主面(masterside),或者目标面 (targetface)。在主面上的节点称之为主面节点或目标体。 –通常...
ANSYS Workbench 12.1官方中文培训教程--WB12.1 Contact接触设置模块实例 热度: ANSYS Workbench 12.1官方中文培训教程--WB12.1 Contact接触设置模块实例.pdf 热度: ContactModelinginLSDYNA ® Part1:SomeRecommendations SuriBala-August,2001 ©LivermoreSoftwareTechnologyCorporation ...
MPC contact can be used in many scenarios where conventional algorithms wouldn’t work. It supports several types of contacts: Solid-Solid, Shell-Shell, Shell-Solid, Beam-Shell, and Beam-Solid. MPC contact also lets you ignore unwanted gaps in CAD geometry without having to modify the geometry...
anddissimilar meshes and differentdifferentdifferentdifferent elementelementelementelement typestypestypestypes –– ThinThin--wall and bulky partswall and bulky parts connectionconnectionconnectionconnection Large sliding withLarge sliding with ffffrriiiicctitititionon ffffor aor allllllll © 2004 ANSYS, ...
2.In this paper, contacts parts of current limting circuit breaker and contactor are studied.本文采用有限元分析软件ANSYS,以限流式断路器和接触器的触头系统为研究对象,应用三维有限元分析法,分析了闭合状态下电器触头部分的电流、磁场以及电动斥力的分布。 5)contact pedestal触头座 1.Development of hot extrus...
a solid based mesh is used as a set of points in two-dimensional space. A convex hull is defined using the imported coordinates of the solid mesh. The mesh is created for an undeformed plane element in the bi-normalized coordinate system using the commercial finite element software ANSYS. Fo...
Contact Types Bonded Bonded Breakable 可分离绑定 绑定面中的每一个节点都会在每一个时间步中 计算每一个有效法向应力和剪切应力 如果设置了绑定失效准则 如下公式所示 当 其公式成立 则绑定分离 所有由于绑定失效而释放的节点添加到从面接 触区域上去 2012 ANSYS Inc March 18 201621Release 14 5 Body ...
During export,HyperMeshcreates contact elements from the contact regions and exports them as elements. InANSYS, they are explained above elements with contact element type. TheContact Browsercurrently supports the creation of edge to edge, surface to surface, and point o surface contacts with pilot...
06ANSYSContact_a 系统标签: ansyscontactproprietarytractionsmultiphysicsrigid AnoverviewofANSYScontact technologyinstructuralanalysisgyy MBUAnsysInc.y October,2008 ANSYS,Inc.Proprietary ©2004ANSYS,Inc. ANSYSContactDevelopmentBackground •ANSYSwasfoundedin1970•ANSYSwasfoundedin1970 •Rev.4x(1975):CONAC12...