officeThe contact's office number. otherPhoneNumberThe contact's other phone number. sourceNetworkThe contact's source network (SourceNetwork), such as SameEnterprise or PublicCloud (such as a Skype contact). titleThe contact's title.
You came here to see Skype's phone number, the real-time current wait on hold and a way to skip right through the phone lines to get right to a Skype agent. There's good news and bad on that: the bad news is that they don't have a phone number, but the good is that we do ...
In the search box, type the person's name, email address, IM address, or Skype phone number. As you type, the view changes to My Contacts. ChooseSkype Directory. If you don't see this option, then your admin hasn'tenabledSkype Directory search for your organization. Right-click t...
Select the country/region for which the phone number you are submitting this case for. If you have requests for multiple countries, you must open one case per country/region.Case typeCase type can be one of the following:Custom Calling Name (US Only) - Set a custom calling name on your...
Assume that you try to call an Outlook contact by searching the contact in Microsoft Skype for Business. When you right-click the contact object and then select theCalloption, the contact's phone number isn't displayed. This issue occurs intermit...
[translate] aIf you are interested, kindly revert back with your contact details (Contact number, Skype ID) we will provide all “Audit report” within 24 hours duration. 如果您感兴趣,亲切地恢复以您的联络细节 (联络数字, Skype我们) 提供所有“审计报告”在24个小时之内期间的ID。 [translate] ...
Visit click on theJoin Uslink at the top of the page. You are taken to the signup form where you will enter all the information for your account. The fields marked with * are required. After entering your information, scroll to the bottom of the page and click...
Show details To find out which HIFI FILTER® subsidiary to contact,please select your country: Our locations FAQ Do you have a question? Check our"Frequently Asked Questions". Go to the FAQ Contactus Mobile Previous Next Your request ?* ...
Contact Microsoft Customer Service. Find Microsoft Customer Support, Phone Number, Email Address, Customer Care Returns Fax, 800 Number, Chat and Microsoft FAQ. Speak with Customer Service, Call Tech Support, Get Online Help for Account Login.
phoneNumber string 是 联系人的电话号码。 holder Holder 是 创建联系人的应用信息。 attrs ContactAttributes 是 联系人的属性列表。 callback AsyncCallback<Array<Contact>> 是 回调函数,返回查询到的联系人对象数组。 示例: contact.queryContactsByPhoneNumber('138xxxxxxxx', { holderId: 0, bundle...