If your query is regarding a Takeda product please email medinfoemea@takeda.com or contact us on +44 (0)3333 000181 When sending us an email, please provide us with: Your name and title Your role (e.g. doctor, nurse, pharmacist etc.) Your work address Your telephone number (These det...
The goal is to develop a low-cost, non-intrusive, and automated mildew monitoring system for stored grain. The development of mildew in store grain usually involves physiological changes in a number of external and internal states. When a WiFi signal propagates through the grain, such ...
The improvements can cause different behavior from prior releases, such as: • A larger value for the peak correlation. • A modified window when performing windowing in the frequency domain. The new behavior is most noticeable when the input images have a small number of rows or columns. ...
29-31 A learning curve was not identified for close contact casting, but this might have been difficult to detect, given the limited number of close contact casting procedures conducted by each surgeon during the trial. There were a large number of secondary analyses, and although they should ...
2Numerical Scheme In this section, we present a concrete procedure to construct approximate polygons. This is a natural extension of the scheme proposed in [25]. Step 1. Polygonal Approximation of the Interface Let\(N\ge 3\)be a positive natural number, and\(\Omega ^N\)be anNpolygonal ...
Volume 2, article number 128, (2019) Cite this article Download PDF You have full access to this open access article npj Digital Medicine Mauricio Villarroel, Sitthichok Chaichulee, João Jorge, Sara Davis, Gabrielle Green, Carlos Arteta, Andrew Zisserman, Kenny McCormick, Peter ...
Further, to reinforce the autophagy inhibition in HC cells, as autophagy is required for cell attachment, low and high confluency cells were resuspended and the same number of cells were plated per well, in order to count for the number of cells attached after different time points (4, 8, ...
The endoplasmic reticulum (ER)-mitochondria contact site (ERMCS) is crucial for exchanging biological molecules such as phospholipids and Ca2+ ions between these organelles. Mitoguardin-2 (MIGA2), a mitochondrial outer membrane protein, forms the ERMCS i
However, the composition of the cold-water extract is complex due to the large number of chemical reagents added during FCM preparation, which complicates the accurate analysis of 3-MCPD. Thus, the efficient separation of 3-MCPD molecules remains a challenge that needs to be addressed. MIP, ...
Nature Communications volume 12, Article number: 1544 (2021) Cite this article 14k Accesses 122 Altmetric Metrics details Abstract Electroretinogram examinations serve as routine clinical procedures in ophthalmology for the diagnosis and management of many ocular diseases. However, the rigid form factor...