Apply contact lenses easily with our expert-approved step-by-step lens guide. Utilised by thousands of Feel Good Contacts customers. Read more…
One of the most common issues that beginners report is forgetting which contact they put in. To avoid this, be sure to begin your contact lens routine with placing your first contact in the same eye each time. As a result, you’ll have an established order that prevents mixing them up i...
5. Check for torn or damaged spots on the lens, and make sure it’s right-side out. If the lens forms a bowl and the edges turn up, you’re ready to put it on your eye. If the lens looks like a lid — the edges are turned out — reverse the lens. 6. Hold your upper eyel...
Tips for good lighting for beginners Lighting is the most important component of good photography. Incorrect lighting can cause your images to look washed out or overly dark. It can distort the colors in your image. Cosmetic photography is all about showcasing the specific colors of each product...
Partner up to raise funds for a local nonprofit. Whether you hold a “cuddly kitten” picture contest on social media to raise funds for a local shelter, partner with a local gym and sponsor a community beginners Yoga class, or get with a local counselor to create a free video on ...
Fujifilm's X-M5 is an entry-level mirrorless APS-C camera that's a solid, though not perfect, choice for beginners. 648 Sony a1 II initial review: is Sony's flagship camera another game changer? preview1 month ago Sony's Alpha 1 II adds pre-capture and improved au...