Buy contact lenses online from Walmart Contacts for fast, convenient service. We carry the widest selection of lenses and offer expedited shipping for all your contact lens needs
Contact Lens Prescription Rule Averts Manufacturer Disclosure RequirementSunil Iyengar
Your contact lens prescription contains specific information to ensure yourcontact lensesare safe, comfortable and provide optimum vision. If you’re in the U.S., your contact lens prescription is yours to keep. In fact, by law, your eye doctor must give you a copy of your prescription at ...
A contact lens prescription includes several terms, abbreviations and measurements that may look like secret code. Once you know what each of these means, your prescription will be easy to understand. Below is an example of a contact lens prescription. Place your cursor over a term or number, ...
How to read the numbers on a contact lens case. 8.6 refers to the base curve (BC); BC is determined by measuring the curvature of the cornea. -1.50 refers to the prescription. Photo courtesy Michelle Rhee, MD. Contact lenses are mainly used to avoid wearing glasses in conditions such as...
Physiology of aging and its influence on the contact lens prescription The normal progressive physiological and visual effects of aging and its influence on the ability of contact lenses to provide ametropic correction is examined in this article. Of primary significance is the aging eye's ...
Apply contact lenses easily with our expert-approved step-by-step lens guide. Utilised by thousands of Feel Good Contacts customers. Read more…
A clean contact lens case plays an integral role in maintaining good eye health. Follow our step-by-step guide to know about how to take care of your lens case.
They have a single “power” of vision correction built into the lens—meaning they make your vision clearer in one specific way. This power appears in the sphere (SPH) column of your contact lens prescription as a positive or negative number of diopters, indicating the strength of your ...
Contact lens, thin artificial lens worn on the surface of the eye to correct refractive defects of vision. The first contact lens, made of glass, was developed by Adolf Fick in 1887 to correct irregular astigmatism. The early lenses, however, were uncomf