Once you’ve placed a fraud alert on your credit report with one of the bureaus, that credit bureau will send a request to the other two main credit bureaus to do the same, so you don’t have to contact all three credit bureaus. To opt out of Equifax mailing lists You can opt out...
Information on Credit Report Companies Most of us know or have heard of the three large credit bureaus, Experian, TransUnion, and Equifax, but did you know the list of credit reporting agencies (CRAs) is much larger than just those three? Below is a comprehensive list of CRAs, along with ...
General InquiriesEditorial BureausPartnershipsMedia InquiriesWorldwide Offices Call 888.776.0942 General inquiries Fill out this brief form and we'll be in touch with you in less than 24 hours. Incorrect information? Clear the form. *First Name: ...
Editorial Bureaus Partnerships Media Inquiries Worldwide Offices General inquiries Fill out this brief form and we'll be in touch with you in less than 24 hours. Incorrect information? Clear the form. *First Name: *Last Name: *Preferred Email: *Preferred Phone Number: *Country/Regi...