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In addition to the necessary endnotes in each chapter, this book of merely 255 pages suffers from a mass of needless girth at the end (62 pages of bibliography, index, and it includes Kennedy’s CV of all things!). The chapters are also unnecessarily crowded with authors’ autobiographical...
Export citation file: BibTeX | EndNote | RIS MDPI and ACS Style Djorić, M.; Munteanu, M.I. Five-Dimensional Contact CR-Submanifolds in S 7 ( 1 ) . Mathematics 2020, 8, 1278. https://doi.org/10.3390/math8081278 AMA Style Djorić M, Munteanu MI. Five-Dimensional Contact CR-...
Export citation file: BibTeX | EndNote | RIS MDPI and ACS Style Djorić, M.; Munteanu, M.I. Five-Dimensional Contact CR-Submanifolds in S 7 ( 1 ) . Mathematics 2020, 8, 1278. https://doi.org/10.3390/math8081278 AMA Style Djorić M, Munteanu MI. Five-Dimensional Contact CR-...
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If you are unable to import citations, please contact technical support for your product directly (links go to external sites): EndNote ProCite Reference Manager RefWorks Zotero Request permissions Author citation Articles by Michael Walzman Add article to BMJ Portfolio Email to a friend Forwar...
Individual literature searches were stored in separate Endnote files, from which duplicates were removed. All individual libraries were uploaded into the online evidence synthesis tool Cadima [47], where further duplicates were deleted. The references were then screened in a two-level process, beginning...
Weaver AJ Has there been a failure to prepare and support parish-based clergy in their role as frontline community mental health workers: a review. J Pastoral Care 1995;49129- 147PubMedGoogle Scholar Corticosteroid Responses to Hospital Admission Archives of General Psychiatry Article July 1, 1965...