Insiders(2023–2024) (TV Series)-Self - Panellist, Capital Brief(4 episodes, 2023) Queensland Election Special from Brisbane(十月 27, 2024)Season 24, Episode 39-Self - Panellist, Capital Brief See more The Kenny Report(2019) (TV Series)-Self - Panellist / Self - Herald Sun Federal Politic...
Self - Brisbane Reporter Weekend Live (2016) Lawrence Springborg Self The 7.30 Report (1986) Amanda Stoker Self - LNP Candidate for Oodgeroo Sunday with Stoker (2023) Bianca Stone Self - LNP Candidate for Gaven The Project (2009) Phillip Thompson Self - LNP MP for Herbert SBS...
My wife just arrived back into Brisbane after burying her mother in Changzhou. Upon arrival back into Brisbane it was discovered that China Southern had lost one of her bags. As she does not speak a lot of English someone from the airline called to explain what is going on. This was disa...
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