considering that osmotic conditioning and gibberellic acid application can benefit germination and seed vigor, the objective of this study was to verify the effect of the association of osmotic conditioning with giberellic aid on the physiological quality of sweet pepper seeds at different maturation ...
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The charged weak e-mail: interaction responsible for nuclear β decay provides such an example. A non-renormalizable description of this process was successfully formulated by Fermi in the form of a four- fermion contact interaction [2]. A contact interaction can also...
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Isotopic and Genetic Analyses of a Mass Grave in Central California: Implications for Precontact Hunter-Gatherer Warfaredoi:10.1002/ajpa.22843Jelmer EerkensTraci CarlsonRipan MalhiCharla Marshall
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where 𝑛𝑖𝑆 nSi is the number of occurrences of spike on contact I, 𝑓𝑖𝑛fni is a feature vector, 𝑚m is the number of feature types (e.g., Kraskov entropy, Renyi entropy). Ripples Energy Ripples energy of leads was extracted from three domains: (1) media value of Time...
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