SoftwareThe Contact Angle Goniometer comes complete with user-friendly measurement software. This software has been designed to be as intuitive as possible, but we also provide guides on how to use it effectively. The software has two main interactive sections: recording and analysis....
Screenshots iPad iPhone Description 本アプリの接触角は2θ法で計算されています ・対象物に一定の水滴をたらし、その接触角を測ることで、数値化できるようになります ・(株)ケイテックリサーチと開発者の経験から、簡単に使える便利なツールとして無料アプリを提供しています ...
Contact angle measurement has wide application in studying the wettability of a surface. This paper presents a contact angle measurement system developed using simple apparatus. The system consists of a bespoke measurement software, USB microscope, motorized linear position slider and a sample holder ...
简介 本アプリの接触角は2θ法で計算されています ・対象物に一定の水滴をたらし、その接触角を測ることで、数値化できるようになります ・(株)ケイテックリサーチと開発者の経験から、簡単に使える便利なツールとして無料アプリを提供しています ...
It can be challenging to take Contact Angle measurement of a droplet on an uneven surface. This guide shows you how the Ossila Contact Angle Measurement System can easily be used for this purpose.
The angle at which a liquid interface meets a solid surface is called the contact angle. Contact angle measurements / goniometry measures this angle...
The most common technique ofcontact angle measurementis the direct measurement of the static angle of wetting at the point of contact of threephases of a drop on the substrate. Such measurements with the application of various measurement liquids may be conducted on goniometers (Yuan & Lee, 201...
For contact angle measurement on graphene using the captive bubble technique, an air bubble is deposited using an inverted needle underneath graphene (Fig.2a, b; for technical details on the sample preparation and contact angle measurements see the section Methods). From the optical image, one can...
Contact angle measurement is an effective way to investigate solid surface properties. The introduction of low-cost digital cameras, as well as software and libraries for image analysis, has made contact angle measurement potentially accessible to every laboratory. In this review, we provide a compari...