Sustancias psicoactivasalcoholtabacojóvenesconflicto armadoPsychoactive substances (PAS)alcoholtobaccoyoungstersarmed conflictThere are no studies in Colombia on the use of psychoactive substances (PAS) by post armed-conflict population to serve as guide for prevention programs and to account for the ...
CONSUMO DE DROGAS EN POBLACIN RECLUSA. RELACIN DIFERENCIAL ENTRE ABUSO DE SUSTANCIAS PSICOACTIVAS Y REINCIDENCIA. (Spanish).The association between criminal and addictive conduct has been debated in many studies, without today a causal direction could be established. The behavior turned aside from ...
de escolaridad, lugar de residencia antes y durante el primer trimestre); las relacionadas con la gestacion (exposicion a pesticidas, consumo prenatal de sustancias psicoactivas, alcohol y tabaco), la presencia de LPH en la familia... AMP Flórez,Gloria Sánchez,VC Barbosa,... - 《Ustasal...
Las tendencias del consumo de sustancias psicoactivas entre los estudiantes de enseñanza media y media superior del Distrito Federal, 1993 BERENZON S, MEDINA-MORA ME, CARRENO S, JUAREZ F y cols.: Las tendencias del consumo de sustancias psicoactivas entre los estudiantes de ensenanza ......
RESUMEN Antecedentes El consumo de alcohol, tabaco y otras drogas tiene repercusiones importantes en la vida diaria de los adultos mayores. Con el objeto de conocer la asociación entre consumo de sustancias psicoactivas y variables de cuidado y salud en adultos mayores. Método Se recopiló ...
STUDENTSThis article has the need to find the look that students have regarding the consumption of psychoactive substances, taking into account that the population is of subjects that are outside the body's education, taking into account this, the general objective is to determ...
Consumo de alcohol, tabaco, cannabis y otras sustancias psicoactivas en estudiantes de la Universidad de Malaga. Trastornos Adictivos, 4, 160-166.Martin-Montanez, E., Baron-Lopez. F.J., Rubio Lamia, L. O., Pavia Molina, J., Miranda Paez, J., y Santos Maya, I.M. (2011). Consumo...
agoraphobiaalcoholcaffeinedrugusenicotinepanicdisorder(English):INTRODUCTION: The objectives of this study were to evaluate the prevalence of drug use in out-patients with panic disorder and their influence in evolution and therapeutic response of panic disorder. MATERIAL AND METHODS: The sample was made...
In the work appears a conclusion on the tendencies of the consumption of the PAS in the Penitentiary National System.Victor SaltykovMario Alberto Mendez SotoOleg SoukhovérkhovPsicologia Com
Londoo Restrepo, Johannalvarez Gómez, Matilde LigiaRevista CuidarteLondono Restrepo J, Alvarez Gomez ML. Consumo de sustancias psicoactivas en auxiliares de enfermeria. Rev Cuid. 2017; 8(2):1591-8.