Energy & Environment The Big Story What new LED lightbulb standards mean for American households New standards for light-emitting diode (LED) lightbulbs announced by the Biden administration last week will likely mean measurable savings for American households, but experts say the bulbs...
What type of light bulb you buy. How much energy your appliances use. What kind of health plan you have. What do they have in common? Meet your hidden master: regulations.The devil's in the details, the saying goes. And in today's America, those details increasingly boil down to a ...
A group of automakers have teamed up with the U.S. Department of Energy as part of a collaborative effort to support more fuel cell cars in the U.S. According toAutomotive News, Hyundai Motor Co., Daimler AG’s Mercedes-Benz unit, Nissan Motor Co. and Toyota Motor...
> tell me other wise. It is based out of personal experince > (or/and personal hangups) with typical users (if there is > such a thing). This is not a flame, troll bait, or what > ever, it is how I see it, but then again there isn't much > light in this room :) > > ...
The overarching objective of this study is to investigate clothing expenditure, product cues (intrinsic, extrinsic and sustainable), gender (men and women) and consumer innovativeness (fashion innovators and non-innovators) in China, in order to find out how these factors may influence consumers’ ...
Based on the findings, it can be inferred that the three cultural levels of museum creative products are from the outside to the inside, and the more implicit the cultural elements are, the more difficult they are to be recognized by consumers. 5.2. Analysis on the Perception of Inner “...
Although there has been some progress recently, there is still a great deal of work to be carried out to promote eco-friendly shopping habits to combat environmental pollution. Education plays a crucial role in encouraging consumers to adopt long-term environmentally friendly behaviors as part of ...
Almost three-quarters of Australian households report that they do not waste the following types of food: packaged, pantry, dairy, or ready-to-eat/takeaway/take-out or delivered food) [17]. The current findings suggest that some consumers may be amenable to simple solution-based advice, ...
(TD) approach. This technique employs a neural network for predicting load at lower hierarchical levels based on the aggregated one at the top. A simulation is carried out with 9 (from 2013 to 2021) years of energy consumption data of 50 houses located in the United States of America. ...
With regard to the Environmental Performance Index (EPI), Peru is ranked 64th out of 180 countries with a score of 61.92, while Bangladesh is ranked 179th with a score of 29.56 for the overall environmental performance (please see: