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What in consumer reviews affects the sales of mobile apps: A multifacet sentiment analysis approach. International Journal of Electronic Commerce, 20(2):236-260, 2015.T.-P. Liang, X. Li, C.-T. Yang, and M. Wang, "What in consumer reviews affects the sales of mobile apps: A ...
Recently Updated Reviews IPAY.EU - REFUND OF MOBILE RECHARGE non-credit of amount REFUND OF MOBILE RECHARGE non-credit of... River Ridge Apartments - Manager refuses to mail application Seems like a slum lord. She won't even mail the... ...
VA Val 75 reviews GB May 12, 2020 Do not use Do not use, they are still promoting Mobileklean which is part of Strong Current Enterprises. I ordered 3 light sanitisers on 15 th March from MobilKlean and despite emails sent I have heard nothing. Now found that both companies have horren...
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HP Hiren P 7 reviews GB May 20, 2021 I sent my Huawei P30 mobile phone for… I sent my Huawei P30 mobile phone for repair on the 7th May and its been nearly 2 weeks since I had sent it off, and I am still waiting for it to be repaired.They haven't got the part, which appar... is Indias leading technology daily. We feature news, reviews, and street prices on tech products available in India, as well as forums, downloads, and newsletters about the Indian consumer technology market.
With the growing resistance to interruptive marketing, it's clear that consumers are fed up with low-value, high noise marketing. But are some of these tactics and channels still an effective ingredient within a holistic marketing approach? Better yet, i
Consumer Cellular at the top of the list again! That's 10 Reader's Choice wins in the last 11 years. Over 600k 5 Star Reviews Accrued via Shopper Approved. Awarded by Forbes as one of America’s Best Mid-Sized Employers. Need Help?
Whitepaper on the Chinese Makeup Market As the first chapter of this whitepaper series, the report analyzes the major recent development trends of China's cosmetics industry and reviews important events in the industry from March 2019 to April 2020. Big data-driven consumer insights big data...