Therefore, the current study aims to conduct a comprehensive and extensive review of the existing literature on online consumer reviews (OCRs), with the goal of providing a nuanced understanding of the multifaceted nature and complexity of such reviews. By synthesizing the findings of previous ...
The GenAI summary should not disproportionately favor one type of review, and regular audits should be conducted to ensure balance. 5. Monitor Third-Party Review Platforms Third-party platform compliance: Ensure that any third-party review platforms you use comply with the new rule...
Recent legislative initiatives from the European Commission, such as the Review of the Consumer Acquis, show an increasing tendency in favour of maximum harmonisation. This is a diversion from previous practice, where the general policy was one of minimum harmonisation, which allowed Member States to...
reviewv.写书评;回顾 imaginev.想象;设想 pollutev.污染 substancen.材料 mainadj. n.评论,回顾 Thisbookisareviewof alltheimportantevents oftheyear. Icanimaginewhathelookslike. imaginationn. pollutionn. material consumern.消费者 vitaladj.极其重要的;与生命有关的 ...
n. 评论,回顾 This book is a review of all the important events of the year. I can imagine what he looks like. imagination n. pollution n. material consumer n. 消费者 vital adj. 极其重要的;与生命有关的 threat n. 威胁;凶兆 greenhouse n. 温室 effect n. 效果 essential, very important ...
The Effect of Electronic Word of Mouth on Sales: A Meta-Analytic Review of Platform, Product, and Metric Factors Journal of Marketing Research, 53 (June) (2016), pp. 297-318 View in ScopusGoogle Scholar Ryu and Feick, 2007 Gangseog Ryu, Lawrence Feick A Penny for Your Thoughts: Referral...
4,680 Results / View per page Page: of 188 Next » Explore Related Topics Electronically Stored Information e-Discovery Professionals Discovery Legal Technology Artificial Intelligence Data Collection e-Discovery Machine Learning Evidence Technology-Assisted Review Legal Project Management Data Management ...
刊名:The International Review of Retail, Distribution and Consumer Research 2016年第1期 摘要:Are the atmospheric variables equally relevant for supermarket and hypermarket customers? As a contribution to the customers' choice of the store format, firstly this work aims to dete...
However, shoppers mentioned that the most helpful sources for discovering Cyber Week deals in the past were word of mouth from family and friends (17%), coupon websites (16%), and review sites (15%). This demonstrates that consumers adopt a varied strategy when seeking out deals. ...
Consumer fraud occurs when a person suffers from a financial or personal loss. Fraud can involve the use of deceptive, unfair, misleading, or false business practices. Fraudsters typically target the elderly and college students, but all consumers are at risk of fraud. ...