大型轿车(Large Sedan):丰田-亚洲龙(Toyota Avalon) 中型三排SUV(Midsized, Three-Row SUV):起亚-Telluride(Kia Telluride) 全尺寸皮卡(Compact Pickup Truck):本田-Ridgeline(Honda Ridgeline) 45,000美元-55,000美元 中型(SUVMidsized SUV):雷克萨斯-RX(Lexus RX) 运动汽车(Sports Car):丰田-Supra(Toyota S...
Sporty-utility vehicles(SUV)运动多功能车有很宽的价格和尺寸范围,范围从小型车尺寸(译注:例如福特翼博、本田缤智)到卡车底盘(译注:非承载式车身)的大型SUV(译注:丰田兰德酷路泽、福特领航员...BBA目前除了奔驰G系列貌似没有此类SUV,可见他们大多都是做轿车起家)。 中型SUV能够提供最均衡的车内空间、燃油经济性以...
SUV大百科 24-09-10 08:46 发布于 河南 来自 微博网页版 《消费者报告》(Consumer Reports)最近发布了一份美国二手车可靠性排名,结果显示日本品牌表现出色,而特斯拉和Stellantis旗下的品牌则垫底。雷克萨斯和丰田以较大优势成为最可靠的二手车品牌,消费者报告汽车数据分析项目负责人Steven Elek表示,这两个品牌以“...
美国权威的调查机构 Consumer Reports 公布了十款最省油的SUV名单,第一名的车款自然是采用了混合动力引擎的 Toyota Rav4 Hybrid !另外来自 Toyota 集团的 Lexus RX Hybird 以及 NX Hybird 也是榜上有名,表现不错! 在这次 Consumer Reports 的10大省油SUV名单中 Toyota / Lexus 就占了三个名次,而 Honda 也占了...
Here’s the full Top 10 ranking for most dependable vehicle models in 2020, according to Consumer Reports: No. 1 – Toyota Prius (93 out of 100) No. 2 – Lexus NX (91) No. 2 (tied) – Buick Encore (91) No. 4 – Lexus GX (90) ...
Consumer Reports 的调查向来中立之余也非常专业,拥有一定的公信力与参考价值。而这一回的测试也不例外,除了针对美国市场上的103款 SUV (而且都是该机构自行购入!)进行测试以外,这家测评机构还特意进行实际道路测试,像是长途驾驶以及模拟市区驾驶状况等等,以准确测试出最真实也最实际的油耗表现,最后再选出10款最省油...
travel in bus (21-50 ppl) 10.9K Mid-end/high-end coach tour (10-20 ppl) Private and customized package tour (<10ppl) 15.4K 14.1K 14 China consumer report 2020 Trend 5: High-end Chinese brands are increasingly appealing Gucci sunglasses, Mercedes SUVs, Godiva...
For the first time,Teslahas made it to theConsumer Reports’list oftop cars. On Thursday, Consumer Reports published its “10 Top Picks of 2020,” which included theTesla Model 3. The car is the first from theelectriccar company, which wasfounded in 2003and released a roadster for its fi...
Consumer Reports specifically panned the 2020 model for being humdrum and unsatisfying. The Rio’s exterior is basic, step inside and the interior is basic too. Design aside, the interior cabin is also very loud and noisy which minimizes its driving experience. ...
The 2020 Buick Envision was named the Best luxury SUV under $20,000. Raymond Boyd/Getty ImagesFor the first time in its history, Consumer Reports is offering used-car shoppers its picks on the best makes and models. The company, which has traditionally only offered top picks for new cars,...