Best of Consumer Contest Entries Chosen.An introduction to a journal section which features winners in the 2015 inaugural Consumer Choice Contest hosted by "Convenience Store Decisions" magazine is presented.EBSCO_bspConvenience Store Decisions
Unlike other generic solutions (SaaS) on the market, UVE offers an all-in-one solution that specializes in the technological needs of the CPG industry, ensuring a quick implementation in complex integrations with any ERP and other tools, taking just a few weeks. Reduce time implementing new dat...
GSKCH, which is due to separate into a new company next year, has found an innovative way to leverage renewable raw materials for high-performance oral care products - helping reduce the use of fossil fuels for virgin plastic. The company is piloting...
One of my keys was for an owners closet and when I unlocked it I found tons of toilet paper, towels, clorox wipes, hand sanitizer and soap. Today I read that the most polluted cities in the world are now experiencing fresh air, blue skies, and stars at night after the lockdowns! Bu...
Direct-to-consumer (DTC) advertising of prescription drugs is not in the best interest of patientsAdvertisingHealthcare-newsPrescribingdoi:PrescribingPharmacoeconomics & Outcomes News
Among the existing analytical techniques for characterizing nanoparticles, asymmetric flow field flow fractionation (AF4) hyphenated to multiple detectors such as multi angle light scattering (MALS) or inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) is a powerful method for the detection and charac...
Short-wave solar radiation consists of ultraviolet, visible light, and near-infrared radiation from the sun that reaches the Earth. The latter is one of the key drivers of urban heat islands. Urban surfaces reflect less solar radiation back to the environment. Instead, more solar radiation is ...