Burge, H.A., W.R. Solomon, and J.R. Boise. 1980. Microbial prevalence in domestic humidifiers. Appl Environ. Microbiol. 39(4):840–844. CASGoogle Scholar Camann, D.E. 1994. Investigating the effects of pesticide exposure in the home. Technology Today. June 1994. Google Scholar Ceschin-...
track recalls. For example, a major manufacturer recent- ly recalled tens of thousands of humidifiers that could potentially overheat or catch fire. A leading manufactur- er of children’s products recalled tens of thousands of baby monitors that could smoke and flame. A promi- ...
5 years of historical data and five-year forecasts. The Market Research Report covers : Air-Conditioning & Humidity Equipment Air Conditioners Heaters Radiators Humidifiers & Dehumidifiers Air Cleaners Electrical Fans Air Coolers Ceiling Fans Air-Conditioning & Humidity Equipments Household Appliances Kitchen...