DISCUSSING ENFORCEMENT OF the Consumer Protection Law in VietnamDiep, Nguyen TrongNgoc Huy, Dinh TranJournal of Positive School Psychology
2019, repealing the previous law and providing a clearer legal framework for the protection of consumers in Myanmar. The date of implementation is March 15, 2019, with the exception of the product label requirement, which will enter into force one year after the date of enactment...
Venezuela Consumer Electronics (委内瑞拉家用电器) Vietnam Consumer Electronics (越南家用电器) Yugoslavia FR Consumer Electronics (南斯拉夫联邦共和国家用电器) Zambia Consumer Electronics (赞比亚家用电器) Zimbabwe Consumer Electronics (津巴布韦家用电器)
Vietnam: This document is being distributed in Vietnam by, and is attributable to, Standard Chartered Bank (Vietnam) Limited which is mainly regulated by State Bank of Vietnam (SBV). Recipients in Vietnam should contact Standard Chartered Bank (Vietnam) Limited for any queries regarding any ...
Our multilingual, multijurisdictional lawyers are where you need us – New York, London, Milan, Amsterdam, Dubai, Shanghai, Mexico, Indonesia, and Vietnam, among other consumer, financial, sourcing, and distribution hubs. We focus not just on the product lifecycle, but on the business ...
We regularly advise on M&A, finance and capital markets offerings, restructuring, antitrust and competition and consumer protection inquiries, joint ventures, global investigations, litigation, arbitration, franchising, real estate, logistics and distribution. Our lawyers are also experienced in brand ...
Vietnam: This document is being distributed in Vietnam by, and is attributable to, Standard Chartered Bank (Vietnam) Limited which is mainly regulated by State Bank of Vietnam (SBV). Recipients in Vietnam should contact Standard Chartered Bank (Vietnam) Limited for any queries regarding any ...
The Bank was convicted for violating the Act of 16 June 2006 on the public offer of securities and the permission to trade securities on a regulated market4 and theBelgian ConsumerProtection Act. For these purposes, aBelgian Consumerhas the meaning provided by the Belgian Code of Economic Law,...
(hereinafter referred to as the ‘First Draft’),” which is the first revision to the country’s Consumer Protection Law. The First Draft aims to further protect consumer rights and boost domestic demand in the country, and has made revisions to the current law in the following five areas:...
“Influencers are playing a much bigger role than even a year ago,” said Nitish Gupta, managing director in Vietnam for Kimberly-Clark. “Across our medical, beauty, baby and childcare, and personal care categories, when I look at the social commerce landscape, it’s a sea change.” ...