Consumer Protection Act 1987 PART 1 (1) that the defect— (1) constituted a defect in a product ("the subsequent product") in which the product in question had been comprised; and (ii) was wholly attributable to the design of the subsequent product or to compliance by the pr...
Dubbed the "Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act" , it effectively guarantees future Wall Street bail-outs. 所谓《华尔街改革与消费者保护法案》(WallStreetReformandConsumerProtectionAct),实际上确保了华尔街未来能够得到纾困。 2. On Wednesday, President Obama signed into law ...
Protection Act (CCPA) If you are a California resident, you may have certain rights available to you under the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) regarding Gyft cards, Clover, and/or certain other products or services. Information you may provide to a financial institution to obtain a finan...
Consumer protection law 消费者保护法;消费者权益保护法 旨在保护消费者在购买和使用消费品中不受不公正交易、不公正信贷和不受假冒伪劣、有危险性商品以及虚假广告宣传等损害的法律。在英国,此类法律有:1968年和1972年《交易说明法》〔Trade Description Acts〕、1971年《消费者保护法》〔Consumer Protection Act〕...
Consumer Protection Act: Time to revisit your trading termsTessa Stuart
CONSUMERPROTECTIONACT,1998 NEPALRECORDER Year22No.8 Kathmandu:March22,1998 MinistryofLawandJustice NepalRajapatra,Vol.47.No.54(E),Magh15,2054(January28,1998) Preamble Whereasitisexpedienttomakeprovisionsforprotectingconsumersfromirregularities concerningthequality,quantityandpricesofconsumergoodsorservices,ensur...
The Bankruptcy Abuse Prevention and Consumer Protection Act BAPCPA is a 2005 law meant to reform the bankruptcy system in the United States.
必应词典为您提供Telephone-Consumer-Protection-Act的释义,网络释义: 电话用户保护法;保护消费者电话法;
Protection n. 保护,保卫;保护者,防护者;护照,通行证;保护贸易制度 act n.[C] 1.行为,行动 2.行动过程 3.【戏】幕;(马戏、杂耍、电视歌舞演出中的)短节目;(搭档)演出短节目的演员;表演队,演出团体 4.法案;法令;敕命;条例;(法院的)判决 5. ACT =Active Control Technology 主动控制技术 credit n. ...