US Producer Price Index - Industry (美國生產者物價指數 - 產業) US Producer Price Index - Commodities (美國生產物價指數 - 商品) 資料行 展開表格 名稱資料類型唯一Values (sample)描述 area_code string 70 0000 0300 用來識別特定地理區域的唯一代碼。 若要查看完整的區域代碼,請參閱 http://do...
Consumer Price Index (CPI) in Samoa, August, 2024 The most recent value is 133.1676 index points as of August 2024, an increase compared to the previous value of 132.8502 index points. Historically, the average for Samoa from January 2013 to August 2024
It reflects CPI inflation meaning, indicating overall price changes experienced by consumers. 6. What is cost inflation index chart? The Cost Inflation Index chart illustrates the index values assigned annually to adjust the purchase cost of assets for inflation. This adjustment is crucial in ...
Data Characteristics: Indexes are stored to one decimal place, except for the "Purchasing Power" values which are stored to three decimal places. References: BLS Handbook of Methods, Chapter 17, "Consumer Price Index", BLS Bulletin 2285, April 1988. 2.2. Source and FormatThis dataset was taken...
What is Consumer Price Index? What is CPI? The concept denotes the extent of change in the price of a bundle of given products. Typically, the consumer price index is applied to estimate the aggregate values in the country. It is calculated by considering the changes in the value of the ...
What is Consumer Price Index? What is CPI? The concept denotes the extent of change in the price of a bundle of given products. Typically, the consumer price index is applied to estimate the aggregate values in the country. It is calculated by considering the changes in the value of the ...
Concerning the Consumer Price Index (CPI), between 2002 and 2008 it has registered average values of approximately 2,7%, with 2,6% in 2008 (Chart 58). 关于消费者价格指数,2002 至 2008 年期间,平均值为 2.7%,2008 年为 2.6%(图 58)。 [...] ...
Consumer price index (CPI) is a statistic used to measure average price of a basket of commonly-used goods and services in a period relative to some base period.
The Consumer Price Index (CPI-U) is provided by the U.S. Department of Labor Bureau of Labor Statistic and is used to measure inflation. The CPI is calculated and released monthly and powers this site's always-current Inflation Calculator, among other th
The consumer price index excluding fresh food, which had been negative since 1998, became positive in November 2005. 自1998年以来,消费物价指数(不包括新鲜食品)一直是负数,到2005年11月,变为正数。 UN-2 September # constant values deflated by the broad National General Consumer Price Index 年...