UBC 国际工商管理硕士 (IMBA) 是一个为期 20 个月的在职 MBA 课程,由 UBC Sauder商学院的Robert H. Lee 研究生院与上海交通大学安泰经济与管理学院合作提供,在中国已有20余年的合作办学历史。 UBC IMBA学位项目拥有世界一流的 UBC 师资、为期两周的加拿大温哥华驻地学习旅程,并获得具有全球思维的学习经验。 详细...
Learn more:5 questions to answer about customer insights Consumer insights in marketing Consumer insights help evaluate the competition. The way people talk about your industry's products and services can reveal a lot about your customers' needs and how you can enhance your product, service, or ...
Marketing should be a two-way process. Instead of the traditional ‘top-down’ approach, it is vital to listen to your customers in order to meet their needs and provide experiences that tick all their boxes. By getting to know your customers, you will gain actionable consumer insights, and...
Understanding your customers is essential to creating a successful marketing plan. A strong consumer insights strategy enables you as a marketer to gain the critical customer knowledge you need before tackling your marketing strategy. If you don’t come from a research background, it can be difficu...
麦考瑞大学(MQ):市场营销和消费者洞察专业-Major in Marketing and Consumer Insights 专业概述 在当今竞争激烈、全球互联且数据丰富的商业环境中,组织越来越依赖消费者和市场洞察力来帮助激发创新并为战略决策提供信息。洞察力提供对相关、可操作和以前未识别的市场趋势和消费者需求、信念、动机和经验的深刻理解。营销人...
Acquire, Retain and Cross Sell with confidence. Leverage real-time consumer insights to personalize marketing interactions.
Consumer Insights: A Turning Point for Marketing Research Educationdoi:10.1177/02734753211046448MARKETING researchEDUCATION marketingMARKETING educationEDUCATION researchCONSUMER behaviorMills, Adam J.Hair Jr., Joseph F.Journal of Marketing Education
Consumer insights marketing Mass messaging still has a place in the world of marketing, but there’s a growing demand for morepersonalizedmessages. Consumer insights can make it easier to create personalization at scale. It helps brands learn more about what makes people buy and why they choose ...
Acquire, Retain and Cross Sell with confidence. Leverage real-time consumer insights to personalize marketing interactions.
Confidently personalize interactions and power more efficient marketing by enriching your first-party data. Identity Scoring & Completion Attribute Enrichment In-market Shopping Signals Explore More Real-Time Decisions Insights to help acquisition marketers improve conversion, compliance, and experience across ...