For example, consumer electronics retailer Best Buy has successfully promoted open collaboration among employees – and even extended this collaboration to serve consumers. Best Buy created Twelpforce, a program that uses Twitter, a microb- logging and social networking site, to solve customer ...
Canada, Turkey, Spain, and Mexico reported many consumer complaints. Companies in China, the United Kingdom, France, Hong Kong, Spain, Canada, Poland and Turkey received the most complaints. The trend is a serious global concern, with a magnitude of reported loss of above 60%. Table 1 Inte...
Furthermore, these Chinese contenders are building capabilities and developing a presence in China and globally in industries that have traditionally been Japanese strongholds—automotive and consumer electronics, for example. As Chinese companies become more sophisticated, they could threaten Japan's ...
notwithstanding its critical dimension for retailers’ success in today’s digital-first era, in which retailers are also clearly challenged to invest in technology enabling the conversion of unknown shoppers and guests (as customers who never shopped with a retailer before) into data capable of bei...
As in, more than twice a week! The result is a clothing range that’s adaptable, always fresh, and lets buyers have “unique” looks despite being a mass-market retailer. The chain relies on feedback from all stores: "Store managers communicate customer feedback on what shoppers like, ...
However, that satisfaction isn’t universal: in India, the Middle East, Poland, South Africa, and Turkey, down-traders said they desire to go back to the more expensive brand they used in the past. This suggests that value brands and private-label products in these...
Sometimes, consumers do not check the credibility of the online retailer before purchasing a product on the internet, which in turn contributes to an increased personal information hacking risk. Concerns regarding the protection of this information are becoming prevalent, especially during the payment ...