So banks take risks on credit cards because credit cards are immensely profitable. Until they’re not. Credit cards – unlike auto loans or mortgages – are unsecured loans. And recovery when the loan goes sour is small. The bank may sell the delinquent credit-card account to a debt collect...
which started out only regulating consumer credit disclosure, garnishments and extortionate exten- sions of credit, but rapidly expanded to include: credit reporting; protections concerning credit cards; billing errors and related matters; consumer leasing; equal credit opportunity; fair debt collection;...
For instance, Uber launched a new branded credit card in 2017 with Barclaycard. It enables customers to receive cash back for Uber-related purchases, including Uber Eats, encouraging more spending on Uber's platforms. Similarly, Uber has partnerships with American Express and Visa that encourage ...
It notes that the parties appear before a trier of fact and present their case in an arbitration.LuperFredM.Debt Cubed
1. Made chicken taco soup yesterday to use up leftover chicken. Am trying to have an extra frugal couple of weeks because bank account low after finally paying off last bit of credit card/hospital bill, and had a fair amount of food on hand so spent only $58 at grocery store for the...
See Hastings et al. (2013) for advertising of privatized pension plans, Aizawa and Kim (2015) advertising in health insurance, Grodzicki (2015) for credit card advertising, and Honka et al. (2016) for advertising of bank accounts. We only consider the direct effects of advertising on consume...