HM Treasury has published its response to the first-stage consultation on the strategic approach to reforming the Consumer Credit Act 1974 (CCA), described in the response as ‘an ambitious overhaul’ of the regime. The government will now be working on policy development to produce more detailed...
法令consumercredit消费者信用act ConsumerCreditAct1974CHAPTER39SectionARRANGEMENTOFSECTIONSPARTIDIRECTORGENERALOFFAIRTRADING1.GeneralfunctionsofDirector.2.PowersofSecretaryofState.3.SupervisionbyCouncilonTribunals.4.Disseminationofinformationandadvice.5.AnnualandotherReports.6.Formetc.ofapplications.7.Penaltyforfalseinf...
信贷act消费consumercredit帮助 ConsumerCreditAct1974CHAPTER39SectionARRANGEMENTOFSECTIONSPARTIDIRECTORGENERALOFFAIRTRADING1.GeneralfunctionsofDirector.2.PowersofSecretaryofState.3.SupervisionbyCouncilonTribunals.4.Disseminationofinformationandadvice.5.AnnualandotherReports.6.Formetc.ofapplications.7.Penaltyforfalseinform...
Define consumer credit. consumer credit synonyms, consumer credit pronunciation, consumer credit translation, English dictionary definition of consumer credit. n. Credit granted to a consumer permitting the use or ownership of goods or services during a
The court explains that section 75 of the Consumer Credit Act 1974 can be applied in any credit card transactions. Moreover, the said decision emphasizes greater protection with the use of credit cards abroad. However, the effect of section 75 is restricted in transactions with a value of ...
Matters arising during the life time of an agreement : Consumer Credit Act 1974 The 'Crowther Committee', in their report of 1971, proposed a fundamental change in consumer credit regulation in the UK. Among many aspects, they campaigned for the calculation and publication of the true cost of...
How to make a claim under Section 75 of the Consumer Credit Act If you need to make a claim under Section 75 and the retailer or service provider has gone bust, you will need to go straight to your card provider. If, on the other hand, you are not happy wit...
consumer credit protection act 英[kənˈsju:mə ˈkredit prəˈtekʃən ækt]美[kənˈsumɚ ˈkrɛdɪt prəˈtɛkʃən ækt]释义 常用 牛津词典 释义 消费信贷保护法;拍照翻译 语音翻译 智能背词 下载金山词霸APP...
Of Consumer Credit In The Uk Discusses the proposals that have been put forward with regard to the reform. of the Consumer Credit Act 1974 (CCA) as part of a 'review' announced by the Department of Trade and Industry, pointing out that there has been no major overha... E Lomnicka ...
ACT =Active Control Technology 主动控制技术 credit n. 1.[U]赊帐,赊欠 2.[U](经济上的)信誉 3.[U]银行存款(帐面余额) 4.[U]信用,信赖 5.[U]荣誉,赞扬,功劳(+for/to) 6.[C]增光的人(或事物)[ act. 【缩写】 1.=acting 2.=action 3.=actor 4.=actress 5.=actual 6.=actuarial 7. ...