The Act introduces new protection for consumers and new regulation for bodies trading in consumer credit and related industries. Such traders must have full licenses from the Office of Fair Trading, which may be suspended or revoked in the event of irregularities....
The consumer credit act 1974 is the most impressive one that further amended in 2006. Answer and Explanation:1 Under section 75 (1974- the consumer credit act) this act applies to most of the international transactions and online transactions. ...
aThe Consumer Credit Act (1974) aimed to offer protection of consumers and apply a uniform system of controls to all types of credit. The Director General of Fair Trading licenses individuals and companies and the applicant must be a fit person to undertake these activities, which means that th...
法令consumercredit消费者信用act ConsumerCreditAct1974 CHAPTER39 Section ARRANGEMENTOFSECTIONS PARTI DIRECTORGENERALOFFAIRTRADING 1. GeneralfunctionsofDirector. 2. PowersofSecretaryofState. 3. SupervisionbyCouncilonTribunals. 4. Disseminationofinformationandadvice. 5.AnnualandotherReports. 6. Formetc.ofapplicat...
78. Duty to give information to debtor under running-account credit agreement. 79. Duty to give hirer information. 80. Debtor or hirer to give information about goods. 81. Appropriation of payments. 82. Variation of agreements. iii A2 iv c. 39 Consumer Credit Act 1974 Section 83. Liability...
How to make a claim under Section 75 of the Consumer Credit Act If you need to make a claim under Section 75 and the retailer or service provider has gone bust, you will need to go straight to your card provider. If, on the other hand, you are not happy with...
The Consumer Credit Act 1974 requires most businesses that offer goods or services on credit or lend money to consumers to be licensed by the OFT. The OFT website has information on the Consumer Credit Act 1974 and consumer credit licences, in the Consumer credit licences area of the site.收...
clarifies issues]]>HigginsN.ingentaconnectButterworths Journal of International Banking & Financial Law
所有权保留前验收的性质和条款协议。消费者信贷法案 》 (1974 年) 旨在提供保护消费者并将一个统一控制系统应用于所有类型的信贷。总干事的公平贸易许可证个人和公司,申请人必须是合适的人进行这些活动,这意味着他们有没有前科的欺诈、 不诚实的行为或暴力。消费者信贷法案 》 (1974) 控件:...
(Ex Sess) PA 7, MCL 124.501 to 124.512, by a contractual interlocal agreement effective April 5, 1999, as amended, between local participating economic development corporations formed under the economic development corporations act, 1974 PA 338, MCL 125.1601 to 125.1636, and the Michigan strategic...