KafkaConsumer.assign() : 为consumer手动、显示的指定需要消费的topic-partitions,不受group.id限制,相当与指定的group无效(this method does not use the consumer's group management)。 测试代码 public class KafkaManualAssignTest { private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(KafkaManualAssignT...
there will be no rebalance operation triggered when group membership or cluster and topic metadata change. Note that it is not possible to use both manual partition assignment withassign(Collection)and group assignment withsubscribe(Collection, ConsumerRebalanceListener). ...
·在 .NET 中使用 Tesseract 识别图片文字 ·场景题:假设有40亿QQ号,但只有1G内存,如何实现去重? ·BotSharp:又一个.Net重磅AI开源项目,.Net在AI领域开始崛起! 历史上的今天: 2019-05-29Can't connect to X11 window server using 'localhost:10.0' as the value of the DISPLAY variable 2019-05-29基于s...
KafkaConsumerassign VS subscribe 背景在kafka中,正常情况下,同一个group.id下的不同消费者不会消费同样的partition,也即某个partition在任何时刻都只能被具有相同group.id的consumer中的一个消费。也正是这个... kafka ide 数据 apache bootstrap 转载
1“Subscribe” 使用消费者组;Kafka 协调器将分配发送给消费者和订阅主题的分区,将分布在该组内的实例中。“Assign” 强制分配到一系列主题。- Mohsen 谢谢,@Spara。明白了。如果我不提供GroupId,subscribe()会抛出InvalidGroupIdException,但assign()可以正常工作。那么使用assign()的每个进程都是独立的,并且将接收...
consumer.subscribe(Collections.singleton("test-topic")); 二者的主要区别如下: ◾ Topic partition 分配者不同:前者是在调用 assign 接口时手动指定的,后者是 consumer group leader 分配的; ◾ 重平衡行为不同:手动 assign 时 Kafka consumer 跟 topic partition 是静态绑定的,Kafka consumer 不会参与重平衡;...
var config = new ConsumerConfig { BootstrapServers = "kafka:9092", GroupId = "consumer", ClientId = "some", EnableAutoCommit = false, AutoOffsetReset = AutoOffsetReset.Earliest, } using (var consumer = new ConsumerBuilder<string, string>(config) .Build()) { consumer.Subscribe(topics); ...
一个关键点是:这2种模式是互斥的,使用了subscribe,就不能使用assign。反之亦然。 在代码中,这2种模式,是分别存放在2个不同的变量中: publicclassSubscriptionState{。。。 privatefinalSet<String>subscription;//对应subscrible模式privatefinalSet<TopicPartition>userAssignment;//对应assign模式} ...
Using Kafka in a real app needs tons of more thought. Everything from choosing cluster architecture, to how you assign message keys, to how design right partition strategy, data security, high availability architecture, etc. are to be thought through....
Assign or Subscribe (Automatically assign) at least one partition from a given topic to the consumer Resume consumption from last committed offset or seek to a specific offset to determine where consumptions begins Begin consuming by polling in a polling thread, repeating this step to the end of...