Marketing StrategyUtilize our marketing strategy services firm to develop a powerful, profitable marketing strategy then construct and execute a results-driven strategic marketing plan to grow sales.Practical, Profitable Marketing in Five StepsThe best marketing strategy and strategic marketing plan is ...
Unlock your potential with F. Lowe Marketing, a leading marketing consultant in the Sacramento and Bay Area regions. I craft strategies that elevate your brand's presence online and offline, as well as provide comprehensive marketing services that drive
Learn more about internet marketing. About Big Shoe Marketing For small and large organizations in the private or public sectors, Big Shoe Marketing can improve your brand, product and reputation outreach. We're a full-service marketing partner and consulting firm. ...
L.E.K. Consulting is a global strategy consulting firm. We help clients achieve high impact results with our deep industry expertise and rigorous analysis
另外,Consulting Firm的工作架构通常分两个dimensions,一个指的是“Industry ”,像是Healthcare、Financial service、Consumer Goods、Industrial Goods、Energy、Technology…;另一个则是“Function ”,例如sales、Marketing、Organization、pure strategy、Finance、Business Mode、IT…; ...
Frankly, the marketing industry is to blame – with a focus on selling tactics instead of strategy, and emphasizing platforms instead of solving problems. We know, because as former marketing agency owners, we probably contributed to the confusion.And the problem is only getting worse, as “...
L.E.K. Consulting is a global strategy consulting firm. We help clients achieve high impact results with our deep industry expertise and rigorous analysis
其中麦肯锡、贝恩和波士顿咨询公司主要专注于传统的Strategy Consulting,埃森哲和凯捷(前身凯捷安永)以信息技术咨询闻名,德勤有很广泛的咨询项目。 世界顶级的Advisory Firm包括 德勤(Deloitte Advisory) 安永(EY Advisory) 普华永道(PwC Advisory) 毕马威(KPMG Advisory) ...
MTC is a unique brand consulting firm. MTC is committed to driving brand revolution in China, and help enterprises build a consistent brand operating system.
第一个层次cooperate strategy,比如一个公司某些业务线具体我5年10年要到底怎么走,会具体落地到business...